Export is giving me an error

[If you are posting a new bug, please include the following]

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered
    FIle gave me an error during the export.

  2. Your system profile

  3. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support)
    logsForSupport.zip (1.4 MB)

  4. Any screenshots as necessary

Looks like a codec error in the logs, can you provide more details on what you were trying to export and what encoder you were using.

This happens to me too when my CPU is not running stable. I have a 13900k CPU that will produce the red cross error when it is run according to Intels specifications. As a workaround you can either limit the maximum temperature in your BIOS or keep the original temperature limit but reduce the frequency ratio of the PCores.

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