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For three days, I’v e watched this app churn slowly through my video clip, all the while in anxious anticipation of the outcome. The clip was a perfect example of how your ap might make low light and overall noisy footage clean up and be usable footage. The previews looked like miracles. On the morning when the process was to be completed, I wake up to find, “ERROR”
Further, it appears that your interface for dealing with support is written and designed by socially inept engineers. Its interface is the opposite of intuitive.

Here you want a system profile. Terrific, exactly what does THAT mean?

  1. Your system profile

OK, do you want the actual files opened and set here? I see nowhere on this access point where I might attach those files. Again, this is nothing but a technical challenge. Your engineers seem to be oblivious to the fact that this app is used by videographers and enthusiasts. None of us are web application designers.

In the help files the same “technician only” jargon is used. I’m so pissed off about the arrogance of the help and support that I can hardly keep myself from virtually wringing someone’s neck.

  1. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support)
    This is a laugh if it weren’t so important and blatantly incomplete. (How do we send those files?)

  2. Any screenshots as necessary

[Please be sure to have searched for your bug before posting. Duplicate posts will be removed.]

There you go again, you say, “search for your bug…” I don’t even know what it is to search for!"

Don’t you dare write back to me and tell me you’re working on it or that “I appreciate your contacting us…” because you don’t…

I want to hear from someone that speaks to non-engineer artists. If you don’t have someone like that, I recommend that you find such a person or persons and immediately hire them.

Tiim Orden

Hi Tim,

Just replied to your support ticket but I thought I’d let you know here as well:

Based on your logs, your system ran out of available drive space when exporting ProRes 4K 60 fps. These files can be very large so I’d recommend switching to ‘H264 High’ or ‘H265 Main’ for exporting files that don’t take up as much space.

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