Downloading Models

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When I opened Topaz today it said there were 4 upgrades… so I upgraded… took awhile to download and instal. I am using Topaz as a plugin with Photoshop Elements… has been working great… I finished my work in Photoshop Elements and sent it to Topaz for the finishing touches… I get this … Downloading Models Some model files need to be re-downloaded before images can be processed. This takes forever and a day… I used to be able to send my work to Topaz and it does its thing and it saves it in Photoshop Elements. I have at least old 1200 photos that I’m digitizing and enhancing… How can I get back to where I was before this upgrade?

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

Try disabling this in preferences:

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You can uninstall this version and then reinstall the previous version.

You may have to remove any hidden files for a smooth reinstall.

If you have just downloaded that version, why does it need to update the models? I had that after I updated.

For me this new auto-download feature also only works half way.
I installed the app without an Internet connection, so it had no chance to download the models there. Then I opened the app with connected Internet and opened a photo. It did show the download progress bar and downloaded some models specific to my NVIDIA graphics card. I could see that in the models output dir with models ending with *8500 in the name.
But when it was done and I clicked on enhance or sharpen It said once again that some of the models were still not found. So it works only half way it would seem.
I think they have to tune it in that way that it downloads all model files for the detected hardware (and not just the ones it initially thinks are needed for this picture; since that required models detection seems to be insufficient).

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