DeNoise AI 2.3.6

Thanks, that GPU just doesn’t meet the requirements for larger images, what are your Advanced Preferences set to?

if you set them to this it may alleviate the Black screen problem:


These are exactly my settings.
I changed them yesterday night to CPU and No. It looks like the black screen is gone, but I’ve to test more.

Btw: This app can read all these properties of my computer and I have to fiddle out the best settings?
An intelligent app should be able to set the optimal settings automatically!

Thanks for your replies, Don!

That’s what the Reset button does: chooses the optimal configuration for your set-up!

I understand - if that is right, that means all the other settings are to set it suboptimal, are not necessary?

Btw: The black screens are gone since I choose GPU and No.
Thanks to all for your answers!

I would like to use Topas DeNoise AI 2.3.2 on my Acer notebook with 150% screen size since 125% is to small, barely readable.
Unfortunately this Topas app changes to twice the size when I change the pc settings from 125 to 150%.
All other apps like Libre Office are changing perfect from 125 to 150%, but not Topas DeNoise.
I use the DeNoise AI 2.3.2 as standalone.
The same with an Asus Laptop, so it seems it’s not the pc.

Any idea what to do?
Please help!

The result:
Got the info that no version of this app can run at 150% screen resolution. Just in case you use a notebook with 150% recommended setting you have to use 125%. With 150% settings the app shows twice the size or more. :-1:

Hi! Bug report on my end. I recently upgraded my GPU from a 2060 SUPER to the new 3080. Since then I cannot use the auto function on DeNoise. Other programs are fine. Program immediately stops responding and crashes.

I think my problem (TopazDenoise crashes every time) was solved. The reason was Windows 10 user rights of folder. The installation asks you in which directory you want to install the program.

Normal default place of installation is C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC and second place is resource folder (\tgrc) which CANNOT be the same directory as C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC (–> crash error of Windows10). When the TopazDenoise is given a second resource directory during installation (eg. C:\Users\Topazresource), the program works as required. FullInstallation of “TopazDeNoiseAI-2.2.12-windows-x64-Full-Installer” asks for this “resource location”… and it no longer needs to be entered a second time but the Topaz remembers this location.

TPX Thomas D the guess as to the root cause of the fault is incorrect. :slight_smile:


The resources default to the C:\ProgramData folder for the tgrc & logs etc.

Good day to all.
I really need help here. I have no problem with DeNoise and Sharpen when I first installed. I don’t know what happen, now that my DeNoise only appear on top of the grey bar with no File, Edit, View, Help Functions. I’m using MAC. The DeNoise Icon just has a dot become. There is no start up screen even I click on the DeNoise Icon. Anyway can assist and help would be great and appreciated. I have tried to reinstall and install but still the same. I have no problem with sharpen.
Thank you to all,

Best Regards

Please raise a support request at the main website. Note the minimum requirement is Mac OS 10.13, also make sure you include OS, RAM and GPU details.

5 posts were split to a new topic: DXO Prime vs DeNoise

My license does not include this update (I will upgrade for another year soon), but there is an inconsistency among the AI programs that I would very much like to be fixed.

In Gigapixel and other AI’s the last settings are kept and when the program loads next time, they retain the last setting. This is very useful when you are starting work on a new series of images, but would like to maintain the same settings, which of course you might tweak a little, but it is better than starting from some default which is not very useful.

Please implement this feature to be fully consistent across all of your programs. The AI programs are getting better and better, so that is very much appreciated.


I took some Halloween pictures yesterday afternoon, and when I got around to processing them with DeNoise AI I noticed a lot of color fringing was being added. I tried all three modes (GPU, OpenVINO, and CPU) with no improvement. Since I still have DeNoise 6 installed I thought I would give that a try, and sure enough, perfect results without any color artifacts being added. Sometimes, the old ways are still best.

There is a fantastic Colour Denoising tutorial with the old Topaz Denoise …

I am having the same problem with my scans from slides. Color artifacts are added after the denoising. The artifacts are similar to the chromatic aberration of lenses, producing a “banding” of color in some edges or in the sky (in fact it is partially “attenuated” activating the defringe option in my main retouching program), and is specially annoying in the light blue or overcast skies and white shirts.
It is true that you need to zoom over 200% to see it well, and using the post-process slider to remove color noise (over 10) also helps to reduce it. I have tried reducing sharpening to 0 in “low light” but the problem is still present.

I have also noted that in these last versions (2.3.X), Denoise ai mode needs to increase a lot more the “remove noise” slider to remove effectively the noise (low light mode does not need such high numbers), at least based on the comparison mode where you can see both methods applied together in the screen. Is this on purpose?

I do not think that Denoise AI models were trained on scanned slides. I also could not get any suitable results but instead used the old Topaz DeNoise 6 and/or Imagenomic Noiseware.

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Adam, perhaps you know already, but I just noticed a small bug with 2.3.3. When you have a file opened, and open another one, the new image appears, but the focus in the file list at the bottom of the screen stays with the previous file. See image below; the image that is shown is the newly opened TIF file, the focus is on the JPEG that was previously loaded.

I compared against Sharpen AI, and Sharpen AI has the correct behaviour.

It seems that Low Light mode is producing patchy results, especially notice that Noise is removed at the bow of the boat but where the name is (lighter color) it isn’t removed:


AFTER where you can see the distinctive line where the noise reduction has changed just before the writing on the 3rd line ends.

I often observed the same in the previous versions of DNAI which did not have “low light”, in both GPU and CPU modes. I’d say, it consistently appeared around the borders of a sharp light object and darker unfocused background.

I changed some things in the file list for 2.3.4, so let me know if this is still the case. Thanks!