Hallo - ich verwende ein Mc Pro M2 Max und die Letztversion von Topaz Photo AI - beim Import eines Bildes wird die Farbe stark verändert. Hab alle möglichen Einstellungen versucht - aus einem leuchtendem Gelb wird ein blasses beige etc… das nervt gewaltig 20240511-150730-OM-1MarkII-ES117732.ORF (18.7 MB)
Would you mind sending in some more information to get a better understanding of the problem you are having with this particular type of image? Please send the following information:
The original image file.
The processed image.
A screenshot or description of the settings panel so I can see what adjustments were turned on.
You can securely submit your image(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.
Hallo - hello - the color is changed when reading in - it makes no difference between before and after; As I said: the error already occurs during ingest.
Thanks for your reply and sending in that file. I have added this information to one of our service tickets and will be sure to reach back out once we have any more information about this issue.