AI Adjust - Blurry Preview & Small Details on MAC

I am experiencing problems with the Detail Part of Adjust AI. The small details slider gives horrible results while the medium and large sliders basically do very little adjustment and achieve the same result no matter where the slider is adjusted either jammed to the right or the left. (I have a Mac and have submitted a Support Ticket). I am also experiencing the same problems when I use Precision Detail inside of Topaz Studio. It seems like this problem has shown up after I installed the latest Mac Update 10.14.5

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Yes I see the issue there but I am a Windows user and haven’t been able to reproduce it. Is this associated with a particular type of image or simply all such as TIFF or JPEG?

Also, have you downloaded the most current v. 1.0.3 release of Adjust AI? There were actually 2 rollouts on that version. One replaced the other w/in hours (or a day) of each other. Could you try downloading the Mac 1.0.3 Adjust AI that’s on the Topaz Downloads page, pls., and see if the newest version of the software helps? Like Don, I’m a PC user (Win 7) so can’t experience what you are other than seeing your snip…

This is a raw file sent to Photoshop as a 16bit Tiff file in the prophoto color space. This issue shows up on all of my images whether sent to Precision Detail in Topaz Studio or Adjust AI and use the detail portion of the program. The Legacy program Detail 3 works to perfection.

Given all the noise (and detail fracturing crap - pardon the tech term) in the attachment above, do you have a clean copy of that image w/no Topaz adjustments made to it you can upload (just for giggles to try on a Win 7 PC).

I checked my version which is V1.0.3 . I just shut my computer down so I am unable to give you a clean file. Here are two more png screen shot examples from a iPhone Raw file sent to Photoshop as a 16bit tif. One from Adjust AI and the other from Precision Detail.

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Thanks. Those poor adorable kids look like they have leprosy! OMG.

Okay, so let me ask you something else (if you don’t mind me doing so…). Why are you pulling the Small Details slider up so far? In your snip that’s the only control I see you adjusting and you’re doing so pretty radically, IMO. Which small details were you attempting to adjust with that much added small detail?

Also, even if your image looks clean to you (and I’m sure if you say it is, then it is…) what happens if you DeNoise it first. Then try the Adjust AI or the Detail adjustments (at a less intense level? Or if you skip or lower the Small Details slider a touch, and w/out going too heavy on it raise the Medium Details a bit. I could try it here but these are already broken images and it could be something Mac-ish. I’m just trying to help you test a few things to determine if you should submit a Tech Spt ticket (that specifies your system, OS, vers of the Topaz products you’re using & shows helpful snips like above).

I own all of the AI products and have been working with Topaz Products for years. The first thing I did to the city image was to run Denoise AI on it. After that I ran Sharpen AI.

The reason I pulled the small details slider up higher to the right was to show you the awful artifacts that are coming into the images. I would generally never pull the slider this far to the right. But you are asking good questions and I appreciate that. As I said earlier I am very experienced in using all of the Topaz Plug ins. The Legacy Plugin Detail 3 works to perfection. Also the Medium and Large Details sliders do not work at all. For example, if I move the Medium or Large Detail Sliders +.01 to the right or -.01 to the left or +100 or -100 the results are the same. I have shown all of these screen shots in my Support Ticket.

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Given your expertise level and what you’re experiencing it does sound like you may need to submit a trouble ticket to Tech Spt staff specifying the same things you did in this user forum thread… along with your example shots (which certainly illustrate your concerns!).

Good luck! Hope they can address. Sounds like you’re a loyal (as well as savvy) user.

I have submitted a support ticket with all of the screen shots. But I really appreciate your concern. The first thing I did was create the support ticket. I am only sharing here for the benefits of the Topaz Community. I am sure that other Mac users are having this problem. I just came home from a private lesson in which my student is having the same issues that I am having and he also is using a Mac Pro with the latest Mojave update 10.14.5.

Fotomaker brought up the fact that I had the small detail slider adjusted to high so I wanted to show you the same image with the detail slider at a very low amount. As you can see this is not the proper behavior of the small detail slider. The first image is a screenshot so you can see the slider amounts and the second is a jpeg zoomed in so you can see the results and the third is the original with minor adjustments from DXO Photolab 2 with Prime noise reduction added.

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Okay, that is very different results. And, I am not debating/defending software design approaches. I just have a scientific bent so like to test diff ideas (hypotheses if you will…) to narrow down what affects what.

So I will volley one more time then stop playing… Here’s what I would test if it were my pic ( just for scientific method kicks):

  • Do a DeNoise on the Original image
  • Not do a Sharpen on that DeNoised image
  • Run that exact same DeNoised only image individually (not a build) thru: 1- Camera Raw using detail or clarity slider(s) applied subtly (since this image has a lot of soft & round edged detail); 2- Adjust AI (using Controls vs Presets & possibly some lowered Opacity); 3- PhotoLab 2 (I don’t have it to know comparable settings but will guess it’s a raw or Lr looking alternative).

If those all seem to handle an image differently then I (since it’s my scientific test, afterall) would be tempted to want to understand how each s/w producer noted (Adobe, Topaz, DxO) defines terms like clarity, diff sizes of detail, contrast, etc. to understand what their algorithms are written/employed to address.

But you have inspired me to do some personal photo composite work to spark my synapses & try to find the possibilities vs limits of what the products I have can achieve. Thx for the motivational boost!

Using your jpg clean photo I opened it in Adjust AI and set the small detail to 0.15 with the attached crop. I don’t see the bad result you get on your Mac, so I think it is a Mac/Topaz issue. Though going higher on the detail doesn’t look good for faces.


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No matter what image I give adjust ai or precision detail, be it tiff, jpeg, add noise reduction, add sharpening or don’t I get the same results. I have been working with Topaz detail ever since the product came out many years ago, it being a big part of my workflow for adding localized detail enhancements and have had wonderful results. This problem I have shown you is a very recent problem and I think the latest Mojave update 10.14.5 has something to do with it. I have confidence in Topaz that they will sort this out. By the way the clarity sliders work like they are supposed to. I will grab a stock jpeg photo with no adjustments added and just apply a small amount of small detail so you can see what I am explaining. Thanks for your concern and I appreciate your determination to help.

Notice Small Detail Slider set to +.39 using Legacy Detail 3.0 Closeup of the Adjust Ai Small Detail Adjustment(Right side no Detail Applied, left side detail applied) Example showing Topaz Legacy Detail 3.0 results

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Adjust AI Color Shift

A post was merged into an existing topic: Adjust AI Color Shift

Oh oh. Something happened to the reply I posted after doing another test!!! And my posting above has ZERO to do with the thread above. It was related to a whole different discussion thread relating to color shifts when using Adjust AI 1.0.3 in AUTO STD mode. I don’t know what the heck happened but it would be nice if this post just above was re-joined with the series of related posts so there’s some continuity to the issues that people are raising. Thx! I had another post related to this one and they all tied into 3-4 other posts from earlier today on the same topic!

It’s missing. I posted it hours ago. I even processed another jpg image and tried adjusting the warmth (blue/yellow) slider then added notes to respond to several comments that were posted here.

I don’t know why 1/2 the thread that was on this topic would disappear. But it is very very frustrating.

Don split it into two separate topics which makes sense since the blurring has been fixed.

But I didn’t post under blurring in the 1st place. Just under color shifts. Two sets of related posts in a single thread on that topic got moved then…

You did as this thread was about blurring & problems with Small Details adjustments on a MAC. Your, and others, posts on Color Shifts are in the thread on color shifts.

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