5.02 not processing all frames in a .png frame sequence

I am running 5.02 on a Windows 11 system with an Nvidia 3070. This week, I tried to process a series of 10,340 .png frames. The output was only 9,926 .png frames. The last 414 frames were dropped. No error generated. No issue with disk space. I was able to work around this by processing the last frames in a separate batch but, obviously, not the ideal solution. Note that, even using this approach, TVAI still occasionally drops that final frame.

I specified that TVAI output to a new folder. I asked it to start with frame # 0. Is there something I’m doing incorrectly or is this a known issue?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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Can you post the logs from that process for review or send them to the support team? help@topazlabs.com

I had to actually change from .png to high Jpeg mode to fix this issue… .png carries the transparency…

In PS or PSP if you flatten the layers it will be a better…

.jpeg is not one of my favorites since it is somewhat prone to generational degradation. I don’t remember having the issue with .tif files, but I couldn’t edit those in PSP.

Logs submitted.

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