Will all future updates to Topaz Plug ins be through Studio?

I have always love Topaz Plug Ins and use Adjust, Clarity and Detail the most. I am wondering if Topaz Studio is the way of the future for Topaz? Or will the plug ins continue to be updated also? I would much more prefer opening the plug in from Photoshop and using it that way than through Topaz Studio. I am just wondering if you are going to kick aside all of the old plug ins like Google did for Nik, but replace them with Adjustments in Topaz Studio? I sure hope not.

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The good thing is that as with the recent Clarity you now have two versions, one as a Plugin and the other as a Plugin via Studio. The “Adjustments” you are talking about are simply the same as Topaz Clarity but updated and you can use them with other effects at the same time.

With Studio you have the Clarity specialty but you can add any other adjustment at the same time.

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