What settings needed to convert 28.23 frame rate video to mp4 720p?


My 2003 edit with Vegas Video produced 720x480 SD mov files with strange frame rates, e.g. 28.23fps, and data rates, e.g. 28,720kpbs.

When I ran videoai the audio was out of sync with video and the video is jerky with VLC player. I’m baffled.

I’m a newbie and I need advice on Topaz settings for SD to HD 720p.


I’d recommend using the Frame Interpolation feature to convert the framerate for these files:


I can also take a look at one of these files to test some different options:

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Thanks for your advice. I now believe the 2003 edited MOV files are somehow defective. EditDV was the editing program. The video is sharp and clear but the audio is not in sync with the video, I guess due to the unusual frame rate. Audio and video are in sync on the DVD VOB files of this program, but the 720x480 image quality is lower. I guess I’ll have to upscale the DVD files instead of the MOV files. Too bad.