What is the future of the individual apps after Photo AI?

Thanks, I got the same jaggedness as you. Can you try processing it as a JPG?

If you mean saving it as a jpeg and processing it thru PAI, I did not see any changes. But truth be told, every image is different so I guess you have to expect different results.

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One of our developers replied to your post specifically about this image.

Why is the PAI rendering so blurry …

the image was enlarged outside of PAI. Shrinking it by 4x produced these results:


That looks much crisper and what we expect out of Photo AI.

Hope this might help someone looking to purchase Photo AI and/or the individual apps - Gigapixel, Sharpen and DeNoise - and provide a bit more clarity.

My question to Topaz Labs:

*Hi, would you please confirm if Photo AI does everything that each of the individual apps do. If not, what is the ETA for this to occur? Also, what are the additional benefits of the (no longer developed) individual apps - Gigapixel AI, DeNoise AI & Sharpen AI? *

I am trying to decide whether to buy Photo AI, or the individual apps, or both.

Response from Topaz Labs (Justin Hedrick):

Topaz Photo AI was created to ultimately replace all of the individual applications you’ve listed but many of our users still prefer to have these applications for their own workflows, typically when integrating with Photoshop or Lightroom. Ultimately, it’s a personal preference.

You are correct that DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI will no longer be receiving updates but Gigapixel AI will be in the coming months, with more information to be released soon.


Sometimes it helps to reduce the pixel size of the image to bring the detail density closer to the pixel density before processing!

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