Video Enhance AI v1.8.0

The older models (1.6.1 etc) will not work in VEAI version 1.7.x and up. I believe this is because 1.6.1 and earlier versions used TensorFlow, and 1.7.x is a new engine that uses Open Neural Network Exchange. The new engine also requires DirectX 12, which means no more ability to run on Windows 7. (Some users have asked Topaz to switch to Vulkan instead of DX12 which would work on Win7.)

Here are all of the current live models that may or may not work for you (try them and see) for VEAI 1.8.0:


To get these files, first, make sure VEAI is closed. Then, open your current JSON file in a text editor (i.e., Notepad). Your current JSON files should be located in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Topaz Labs LLC\Video Enhance AI\models. Change the number in line 3 "version": "X", to the version you want, then save the JSON as a new file, nameing it to the corresponsing version. BE CAREFUL not to overwrite your original JSONā€™s. So for example, open artemis-lq-9.json, then change "version": "9", to "version": "8", and save the file as artemis-lq-8.json. Now Artemis-LQ v8 will appear in addition to Artemis-LQ v9 in VEAI. VEAI will download the model files it needs automatically.

Some notes:

The following models files are missing / not available from the download server: Missing model files for download: These OpenVINO files are missing for the -

The ā€œbetaā€ Artemis v9 model files are no longer available as the ā€œreleaseā€ ones overwrote the ā€œbetaā€ ones on the download server, since they have the same file names. According to developers, the ā€œreleaseā€ Artemis v9 model files have had an additional week of training. In my testing, they are slightly sharper than the ā€œbetaā€ model files. Itā€™s probably not noticeable in final live video.

Hereā€™s a copy/paste of a post I made in the beta forum with some additional details:



My name is John and I am a retired broadcast engineer and also wrote all the technical standards and architecture papers for a public broadcaster.

In my 40 years in the broadcast industry I can compare Topaz video enhance AI to the first time we started digital tape recordings.

In my career I have been technical manager, post production manager and before I retired, I was the manager for all technical television projects and the chairperson for the technology strategy and architecture group.

As a hobby I shoot UHD wildlife videos. I have a lot of HD interlaced footage which is now useless until I downloaded TOPAZ video 1.71. I use the best deinterlacer before I use TOPAZ. Since I do not sell the footage, I use the trial version.
Version 1.80 works fine on my laptop i7 RTX 2060 8G. Artemis v9 very good.

The results is phenomenal.

As I have always said to the broadcast people when they bring me bad quality video. ā€œmatter can not be created or destroyedā€ In other words their is not much you can do with bad quality video.



I hope this is not the wrong forum to give this feedback.

Also tried another so-called video AI brand and In comparison to Topaz it is useless.

Kind Regards


PS. I do not use the exact workflow as recommended by Topaz


Love your message john because since a while, I see, and maybe some other people but not many too much negativities in this forum. Iā€™m afraid that a lot of people donā€™t understand at which point VEAI is an amazing piece of software. 30 years ago, i was friend with the son of a video producer, helped him sometimes doing editing and as well shooting professionnal videos (on Uā€™matic Tape and Sony editing hardware (still have an Uā€™matic SP tape here), with hardware FX on a rack of 2x19" for an insane price just to do an awful page change effect.

I edit videos for my own pleasure as a musician, and what VEAI achieve is since i got it, one of the few software which succeded to impress me during the last 10 years. But iā€™m afraid that most of people here maybe donā€™t recognize all this. (no i donā€™t work for Topaz).

Donā€™t know if you would be ok , but would love to know what kind of workflow you use ! All the best !

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Hi Marty

I smiled when you mentioned U-matic analogue tape.

The workflow is actually simple.

My early footage is HDV and AVCHD after that.

Since I have HD interlaced footage, I use YADIF+TEMPORAL+SPATIAL deinterlacing to 1920x1080 progressive. Excellent results.

I all cases I do a double run of Topaz.
First render Artemis MQ v9 100% - denoise/deblock
Second render MQ v9 200%

To some extent it is trial and error depending on the original quality of the video.
You can try MQ and HQ and even LQ first or second render.

However I got quality perception results that is on a par or damn close to my Sony AX700 UHD footage viewed on a Samsung QLED 4K TV.

Remember! Picture quality is not a specification bat rather a perception of the video when viewed.

To get the best possible viewing results turn of all the artificial enhancements on the TV.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards



But not everybody is willing to learn a scripting language just to deinterlace 3 or 5 old dvds from the cellar. ā€¦ who really needs that in 2021 anymore?

QTGMC aka avisynth has no gui and so it is more for old grown vhs heros not willing to advance and working stuck to their oldschool technics. And thats how they behave in 3d foren. Disgracing every convinient toolā€¦ especially topaz VEAIā€¦ telling everybody its crapware and avisynth is the only authority. blabablaā€¦ Learn scripting, read the tutorials ā€¦ noway buddyā€¦ its not 1990 anymore

Even if QTGMC is the best deinterlacer in the universeā€¦
if it has no gui today, it is useless for 90% of the ppl today
I dont need it anyways


Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hi John iā€™ll reply to you in private about private stuff, but thanks about your workflow. I didnā€™t tried yet to do 2 encoding, as iā€™m still running VEAI on my intel iGpu (HD 630 Intel graphics) and have a 750ti GTX too, so the processins time is very slow and donā€™t allow to make long video for now.

Iā€™m Waiting the release of a RTX 3050, to see the price, and it would be ok in my mini-itx case, with fans not too loud. so many months to wait (maybe in marchā€¦ not sure it would be available before).

but i will try the deblock + 200% by curiosity on a short clip to see the result ! iā€™m very curious about it !

Thanks again and happy to have made you smiling :slight_smile: ahah !

is it just me or does GAIA HQ look worse in this version, i cant see any changes with GAIA. The gaia hq in 1.7.1 and 1.6 were the best versions of gaia. i hated gaia in 1.7.0 and the gaia in 1.8 i cant see any improvements to the video, it looks like the original. I do like artemis lq in 1.8.0, artemis , this is the best artemis so far. Whatever you did to gaia hq tho please fix it because i cant see any sharpness like the older version and improvements, its gotten worse from what once was a solid model.

GAIA on 1.8.0 is the same as 1.7.1 ( V5 ). You can get V6 too though

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maybe its possible the model works well on some videos and some videos it doesnt. that means it needs improvement if its not producing the same results for each video. I wonder why it looks good sometimes and sometimes it doesnt when it comes to a situation of two videos with similar quality that u begin with
before rendering. its a mixed bag.

It looks like most of the work model-wise since 1.7.x has been on Artemis, and some on Theia. I donā€™t have any first or even second hand knowledge, but I suspect that the developers will eventually turn their attention to Gaia and hopefully give it the same level of improvement that Artemis got. Since the training data for Gaia is twice as large and takes about twice as long to process as Artemis, we might just be in store for some major improvements! Well, hopefully.

Until then itā€™s probably best to keep 1.6.1 around to use Gaia-HQ for now.

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great suggestion, i just reinstalled 1.6.1 in a seperate folder. so when i want to use gaia, i will go to 1.6.1. and when i want to use artemis lq i will use 1.8 until they improve gaia in the new versions.

And pretty much literally everyone else says Artemis v9 is the best thing since sliced breadā€¦me included.

Thanks for your post - I had no idea audio was being encoded at 96 kbps in VEAI.

PS: Are you a System Shock fan?

Iā€™ll have to try it out. On my machine (RX 570) I see about 10 seconds a frame with Gaia and 3.5 seconds a frame with Artemis. Will be nice to compare footage!

Yes it did The Trick. I have changed the ā€œdisplayPriā€ for each model,starting form 10,20,30ā€¦ to 100. And All are sorted out.However next update I have to do this again it seems if it gets overwritten :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for the solution.

The new Artemis LQ model is nothing short of amazing. Thank you so much for your hard work. I wanted to ask if the Gaia CG issue has been fixed/quality match 1.6.1 or not.

I know this is a user to user and - rarely - a company to user forum, but today I just want to say ā€œthank youā€ because VideoEnhance 1.8.0 is a great improvement over the 1.7.x versions. :grinning:

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I join my words to my friend above, and like Lee.keels told, yes, artemis is fantasting. even if it can be seen as ā€œslowā€ by most of you, artemis give an amazing result, for a speed divided by three compared to Gaia for me (iā€™m going from 6.5s/fr or 720>1080p to 2.60s/fr). for me, on my footage , gaia still stay the best, but when the speed is taken in consideration, itā€™s difficult to go with it (divided by 3 or even more).

good job Topaz !

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I am really amazed by the patience you and others show.
6.5spf or even 2.6 spf would completely destroy the fun i have with VEAI.

I almost die, when i see 1.08 spf on my pc.
Normally i get 0.25spf and just accept more, when i upscale 1080p to 4k on very precious content.

Serious question, do you upscale a complete movie or just minutes/scenes?

I guess with your spf upscaling a 45 min episode of any old series from SD to 4k
would take 3 daysā€¦

6spf = (25fps x 6) =150 sec rendering for 1sec video
150hours (6days) for 1h video = OMG

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