Video Enhance AI v1.7.0

I’ve tried looking for it, but what how does Fast Model differ from the standard models? I can’t even see an option to turn it on, only an option to disable it in preferences.

Fast Model downloaded by itself when upscaling.

I don’t necessarily use 480p either as I’m on the PAL system. Also, it doesn’t need to be specifically 25 minutes either. Just wondering what speeds people are getting, especially since I have an Nvidia Geforce 2060 Super.

I just tried it on a random DVD RIP I had lying around. 1 hour 36 mins video, Gaia HQ from 480p to 1080p goes at 0.17s per frame, taking about 6 hours estimated. Original file size 1.5GB

That’s very good compared to my GPU! With my Nvidia Geforce 2060 Super it would take 4 times as long to do a DVD rip of that size!

I’m seriously looking at a new card now!!!

It isn’t MP4. I output files to tiff so at least I can manually resume the render. I’m sure in previous versions you could resume an MP4 render

I noticed the other day some weird crackling sounds coming from my cans as I was testing the image quality of my encodes. I thought nothing of it at first and just shrugged it off. But upon further inspection, I made a perplexing discovery: UPLOAD.EE - File does not exist

For some reason, VEAI messes with the audio files (which isn’t supposed to), rendering their quality mediocre as far as I’m concerned. I also noticed that the higher the crf value, the more compressed the audio gets which is quite odd as well :confused:.

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Would be nice to have auto audio passthrough at the very least as a minimum.


Yes, you are right.
My drivers for Radeon base on gaming drivers with a couple of tweaks added.
Primarily I have prepared them for DaVinci Resolve with a very good result, IMHO.
I wonder if I can do same for Nvidia drivers with any positive gain for rendering speed.

Anything new on this? I checked my other machine (2 x 2080ti) and found similar logs to my 1070ti machine. Am I the only one with this issue?

For my 2 x 2080ti I also reset the Image and it didn’t help.

So it still best to encode only the video through VEAI and then add the original audio track from the source

No, there’s never been a way to resume MP4.

Does anyone know how a 2080S / ti does perform vs a Radeon Vii, RX 5700 or Vega 64?

VEAi v 1.7.0 Problem

Cannot drag and drop which is very annoying so browsing and uploading is the only way to load a file.
Never happened with VEAi before, and it’s not a matter of reloading the program after the very first install and first run.

Make sure the application is open, then you can drag & drop video to open.

What is best method to upscale dvd from 720x480?

I Would love to know this about a 1650 GTX. i wanted something better but not sure i can afford it. Thanks ! i mainly do 640*480->1080p , dvd, and 720p->1080p. Thanks !

First, make sure you’re not accidentally running your program as admin. If that’s not the case, try to fully uninstall VEAI (I personally use iobit uninstaller), reinstall then try again. Hope that works!

Has anyone done any testing testing the new Artemis vs Gaia? How do you like each?

tbh after longer use I like none of them, Theia-Fidelity v4 is my winner so far. Gaia has a pretty smooth output but for me it’s not consistent over several frames and it’s very slow compared to the others. Artemis has a noise and rough appearence. But I’m pretty sure it highly depends on the usecase. (For me DVD 576p to 1080p Theia-Fidelity v4 it is)

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