Using several models in ONE video for selected sections

Hello, actual my video editing workflow for daylight footage is as follows:

  1. Cutting, re-arrange clips and colorgrading with separate video editor software
  2. Using Video AI for endproduction
    This workflow works pretty good in order to prevent quality losses.
    The thing is…I have also videos which are mixed up with daylight and nightlight footage.
    The daylight footage is best processed with Proteus to get best sharp/clear picture.
    The nightlight footage is best processed with Artemis to get rid of picture noise.
    So I have to use actual addtional workflows:
  3. Split up complete video into daylight and into nightlight footage via video editing software
  4. Enhance daylight footage with VAI
  5. Enhance nightlight footage with VAI
  6. Re-arrange the daylight and nightlight footage into the orignal sequences
    This is quite a lot of additional work.
    Would it be possible to define different sequences in VAI, where I could select indviduell models I use for defined sequences in ONE video?

Hello and thanks for your feedback!

I’ve moved this over to the ‘Ideas’ subforum for our developers to take a look at.

Thanks to forward the feedback.

Question: is the named “Ideas” subforum an user forum? Or is it only for your developers?

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