
Last Up dates suck this program is no longer usable.
Process is so long for just one photo.
Layour chages are terrible.
Whate were you thinking
Discussed lomg time promoter


If you would like to revert to any previous Topaz Photo AI version, you can find a list of previous installers at the following link:

Topaz Labs | Community Forums | Topaz Photo AI | Releases

We have updated our Topaz Labs Documentation page with some helpful information to help users familiarize themselves with the new workflow that I will link below.

Topaz Photo AI | Quick Start | App Basics

We appreciate any further feedback or comments about the current v2.4.0, and I would love to share them with our developers. This can give us more insight into what Topaz Photo AI is needed for and, ultimately, what direction we need to take to fulfill the needs of our users.

Thank that helped, I feel better abbott every thing now.