TVAI Models produce hollow distorted eyes

Regardless of the version or the models, when I try to enhance a video (without enlargement), the eyes are always distorted or black and hollow looking. This is especially noticeable when there is movement in the video or zooming from close to wide or farther away. Is there any way at all to get around this?

A typical video that I would try this on would be HD progressive. All I’m trying to do is to clean up the noise and sharpen it. TVAI looks great on a non-moving medium to close shot of a face , but if there’s any movement or zoom, the eyes or the face are the first things to get distorted.

This sounds like what was happening when I first started using TVAI. Proteus 4 Manual settings with only Fix Compression at 30 plus or minus 10 should get you good looking results.
I mostly only work with DVD upscaling to FHD, so maybe it won’t work for your HD videos.

Nothing beats Neat Video plugin when it comes to denoising HD videos.
TVAI Artemis High Quality model with Recovery Details 88%, 90%, 95%, 100% may work as well.

ForSerious, what Proteus v4 settings do you use for upscaling DVD to FHD in manual mode? Only Fix Compression between 20 and 40 and other settings 0? What about recovery details do you leave at 20%?

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Yes that’s Manual settings.
So either:


That’s a good starting spot. The problematic scenes are usually trees, leafs, gravel. I check far off faces, but these setting are usually fine for those.

Fix Compression does the denoise control. Turning it up too much will make things look like paintings. I usually try to put it up just enough to calm the noise down, but not smooth it out entirely.

Anti-alias/Deblur has less of in impact in Proteus 4. you can put it up to 40 without going too far. After 40, it tends to blur again. Sharpen does a lot more. 27 is almost always too far, if you see circle patterns added to the details in those problematic scenes, it’s up too high. Even changing it one point can make a difference, though I usually do 2 or 3 points to save some time.

I don’t think there’s any harm in leaving Recover Details at 20%, but I turn it off in case that reintroduces the very things I’m trying to get rid of. In my tests, it has a very small impact, so I’m just being paranoid.


it may or may not work for ur particular video, but if the distorted eyes were due to too high sharpening, i found that 30+30 is better than 60, as in do 2 passes of 30 will bring everything up while keeping the distorted eyes in check. 30 and 60 is just an arbitrary number.
i use TVAI for fixing compression, dehalo, some denoise and interpolate. everything that involves adding things to a video like sharpening ive decided its better to do with a non-AI software like davinci resolve.

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