Transfering Topaz Studio 2

I still use Topaz Studio 2 and am sorry it was discontinued.

I have a new computer, with Windows 11 and would like to transfer everything in Studio 2 to the new computer. I’ve transferred the software, but the “Looks” did not transfer with it. I could use some advice as to how to transfer the “Looks”.

Any help will be appreciated.

Try looking in …

Otherwise search ProgramData, Pictures or Application Data

Typically though, if you search your old hard disk for “Topaz Studio 2”, sans quotes, you will find it.

Thanks for getting back to me Don.

Someone from Topaz Support got back to me and we resolved it.

I had to completely uninstall Studio 2 and then reinstall it from my original order history. For whatever reason, when I first transferred it, it didn’t transfer correctly.

I don’t know about you, but I’m sorry they discontinued it.


Hi Babinc! I just came across this thread, and would like to ask you what you mean, more clearly, with “reinstall from my original order history”. What did you do, exactly, to get your “Looks” transferred? I am also about to build a new Windows 10 PC, reinstalling Windows from scratch, so I will have the same problem. I purchased Studio 2 back in 2022 and have the confirmation email of the purchase. Thanks for any info!

Yes, it is very unfortunate that still applications store important data in a HIDDEN system folders like “AppData”. Not only this, often a customer support when helping refers to invisible folders like this by not even mentioning that the folder is hidden. I personally prefer all files and data to be found within the application folder. :eyes: