Topaz Video AI v4.1.1

I’m in the team of “i view the preview when its done”, so no big deal.

The next question is, in which distance do you watch your TVAI enhanced videos?

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Live is nice to have when doing a short preview, say 10s or under. Longer than that exceeds my attention span.

Congratulations again I have avx2 problem!


Both, at “real size” (filling a 32” monitor) but additionally also “pixel peeping”. As I really only see some things there (but that then are apparent when watching the video on the Beamer at 200”)

That is, this feature will be returned in the next updates? It used to be great. It was possible to view directly the file that was being processed. Then, only in the “previews” folder


4.1.1 is the best release so far!

For MQ 1080p source, 2x upscale to 4k, Apollo 29.97 → 59.94, running it through 1st enhancement Gaia, 2nd enhancement Proteus 4 (defaults), add grain amount 1 size max.

I get some amazing results with this, close to a native looking 4k on some sources!

And unlike all the complaints in here I use the preview system as intended so I never need to look at temporary files!

Keep up the good work and a special shout out to @nipun.nath the master of models and @suraj the bossman architect!

raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa ca443f4786


Bug Report

If you select number of videos and set Interlace and set an AI other then Prob4 (e.g. select Interlaced → Dione TV), the upscaling settings would reset themselves back again to the default Proteus 4 when you actually look at each video upscaling settings.
Another form of this bug, if you load 2 or more videos and stand on one of the videos and set Interlaced → Dione TV (for example), then you go to the next video on the list (let’s say to set it’s settings) and go back to the previous video where you just set Dione TV a second ago, you will see it was reset back to the default of Proteus v4 for deinterlace.
it is not only limited to Dione TV, I noticed the same happens if you set Iris, etc.

For some reason any settings for deinterlace that is not Prob4, won’t stick.


Bug Report

it appears that Sharpening values do not register in the Metadeta of the video. there isn’t an entry for Sharpening.
I tested on Nyx Fast, not sure if other AIs are effected by it as well or it is only limited to Nyx Fast.




Do you really, or is it just warning you that you may experience issues?

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Bug Report

I can’t install v4.11 because it started checking for AVX2 in the processor again!!!
(It’s quite annoying that one version - I can - installs and the other doesn’t.)

Can you share a screenshot of the message?

100% it’s just the warning dialog LOL

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Sorry, I was wrong. Only a warning message came up. (The power of habit, right?)


We’re all glad that it’s only a warning message.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m in that camp, it is nice to see side by side comparison while exporting for many reasons, I find this better and can’t see why it couldn’t be an easy option for us who find it practical.


Is anyone from the developers reading this forum, or are we just talking to each other without any sense? Will the ability to view the file during processing be returned in the next update, or at least its viewing in the temporary folder? Why is there no specific answer yet? For what reasons did the developers take away the ability to use the program from thousands of users?


To find the correct settings for each video, you need to try dozens of settings options Stopping the processing process at 5-10% for each option, we have dozens of files in the temporary folder that we can compare with each other by switching them in turn If there is no way to compare such previous files with each other, then how can I know how to process this film if its processing will take two days???
The source files need to be compared in the real player through which you will watch the movie, on a large monitor and on a large TV screen, and not in the program window. There is a big difference between the two.

Although there seem to be people who find it obsolete, for me preview while rendering with a third party media player is a must have. It is the last chance to see if anything is going wrong with the used settings.

Please reinvent this feature and do it as soon as possible!!!


Как бы все работает. Но, если у вас не работает, что мешает копировать из временной папки часть обработанного материала в любое место и там смотреть, предварительно прогнав avidemux?