Topaz Video AI v3.3.0

That’s fine and dandy, but to save time, the preview can be a good tool.
What I have found saves me the most time is: Find the most likely sections of the video that are going to come out bad. Far away faces, trees, grass. I’ll make 10 to 30 second clips with those (Usually just one of each type). Then I start trying settings in TVAI. I compare them in another player, but if I wanted to, I could also play them from my TV screen.
If I can get those short clips to look good on my computer, they always look even better on my TV screen. (At least once I figured out how to modify the ffmpeg commands to convert colorspace correctly. Movies processed with VEAI 2.6.4 never quite looked as good on my TV screen because of that.)

my most efficient way in the 2.x version was to have a look into single frames and their preview but since single frame preview in 3.x is not available anymore I continously have to find a workaround. :eyes:

Are you serious dandy ?

They added 1 frame back like two updates ago. It works on my machine. Even before that, I had selected the option to not auto play previews and that’s about like the one frame in VEAI.

“Oh I’m dead serious.”
—Uncle Rico; Napoleon Dynamite

The Iris model is a major step forward.

Please add a slider (like in Photo AI) to lower or rise the level of reconstruction.


there is a new additional option “recover original detail” for a similar purpose. :slight_smile:


Similar but not the same.

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hello when I updateVideo Ai to the newest version it comes very slow when i try to set my settings.What is the problem ther.Help please.I am working on MAc sillicon

I by accident set the slider to 71 and then let it run expecting a artificial result but to my surprise the movie looked very well and faces looked even more natural.

Is it that when the source material is fine you can easily merge set it high while if the source is low quality lower the value . I am curious as the default value is 20

In addition I cannot see this with the preview hence I really would like a button that makes a inline copy
So I can copy and play it from my enigma media player . This also ensures it will play some combinations seem invalid e.g. h264 and 4X while h265 is always valid

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Since this Version 3.3.0 = Themis V1 (Legacy) is no longer available in Motion DeBlur, only V2
Is this already a known Issue?

Thank you!

The screenshots you shared are great! Based on what the input file looks like, the export makes sense. There just is not a lot to go off of. Have you switched to manual instead of auto to experiment with the sliders?

@gadas you just have to expand the list to see them all. Here is a direct link to v3.2.

Which media player are you using?

What name did you use or email?

We have switched to a new model for suggested features. We now ask that our users add feature requests and vote to choose what is in the next releases on our forum. This allows our development team to really see what the majority of our users want to see so that they can prioritize the next release based on user feedback.

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That screenshot is taken from the Topaz Video Ai Preview comparison between normal and themis during file processing. All the media players have the same effect.

Yes, if the original video offers a good quality already just set the recover original details higher!

Same name as I use here: efox31. Email was my googlemail account. I believe I titled it something like ‘Frame-count issue’.