Topaz Video AI v3.2.5

I have an Apple MacBook Pro with the M1 Max processor (Ventura 13.3.1a, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB disk). When I try to run a preview for any setting, I get an unknown error. I can however Export the video and it works. Currently the AI Processor is set to Auto, but I’ve tried CPU and Apple M1 Max but get the same results.

AI needs to work better on old videos when it comes to reconstructing people’s faces. (proteus)

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Maybe the problem is just me. When starting Topaz Video, my video card cooler makes a lot of noise.

I just changed the extension after the dot from MKV to MOV. Now, my system and player see this file as MOV.

Can you please write to support and share your logs and system profile?

I got an Apple Studio M1 Max and MACOS Ventura 13.3.1a and the bug is the same; however with VAI 3.2.6 beta the preview works flawlessly.

Some versions are not supported by the backend anymore or have some known issues. We don’t include them.

That the most absurd thing to do to a video file. :clown_face:

That space is only present in the logs, the actual download uses the proper URL.

Not all legacy models are supported in the current version of the app, Gaia v3 is not included by default and may have issues running.

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I had made a lengthy post on another release page about why apollo v4 was really effective Is there any chance of adding support for it because it worked the best for my use and swapping installs is pretty inconvenient. please add V4

Hello everyone,

I bought your fantastic Topas Video AI program a few days ago, and I really have to say that the program is great! It’s a bit pricey, but I was really impressed with the result. I use the program to edit old videos and it works very well!

Please continue to develop the program, because it is probably the best enhancer there is.


Thanks. It would be nice to know which legacy versions work and which don’t.

Gladly, and I use Topas Video AI 3.2.5. The version runs perfectly and I’ve never had a problem. I’ve also tried several filters etc.

PS: I’m using the current version of Windows 11

In the meantime, there’s got to be a way to install both versions on the same computer.

Don’t know if it was Apollo V4 but there was a version of Apollo that was in my opinion better than now, it was I think around february. At that time there was in the beta 2 different versions of Apollo : soft and sharpen. Why did these versions never went to release ? Apollo sharpen was the best Apollo version. Themis is unusable because it creates a visible colored dots pattern.

I’m surprised that worked, to be honest. I’d be tempted to use an actual transcoder anyway to prevent compatibility issues with your files in the future.

When I tried to put apo-4 in a command, it gave me a list of the valid options. Apollo Sharpen was one of them.

Yes it’s on the list but when I run with “-filter_complex” “tvai_fi=model=apb-1b2:slowmo=1:rdt=-0.000001:device=0:vram=1:instances=0”

it throws an error ** : [E:onnxruntime:, onnxruntime::ExecuteKernel] Non-zero status code returned while running Squeeze node. Name:‘Squeeze_67’ Status Message

And the model has been downloaded in the models folder

Try taking out the rdt? My machine’s all bogged up or I would try some variations.

Doesn’t change anything.