Topaz Video AI v3.1.0

You can create, modify, re-apply, or delete presets from the Edit menu.

Import/Export is not currently available, however you can find the presets inside the Application’s Resources folder - right click the app and hit Show package contents. Adding valid presets here will import them.

1 : Open CCleaner (Software) clear cache
2 : open admin Software Topaz Video AI (Windows 11 Pro 64x) Perfect) :sunglasses:

Thank you from a Windows user. I did not know(my fault for not looking) that there was delete preset selection in that menu.

I have a short clipped video of 12 sec.

Hangs at 71% when I try to export it. Preview was quick without any issues.

Task manager shows the app is still working at 20% CPU and 1% GPU, but the app itself is doing nothing…

I agree with you here. Many other programs require you to pay for updates for a month or a year, but at least you get a fully functional program (for example, Adobe, Malwarebytes, and ShareMouse).

They, on the other hand, treat this program as if it were a Patreon-created program, which frequently releases a buggy mess version of the programme with anti-consumer features (for example, exporting problems / encoder errors (v3.0.2–3.0.9), image sequence preview problems (v.3.0.0), requiring users to log in every single time when they open the program which requires the internet (v.3.0.9), and removing a feature to select the download version of the models that is an available feature on v.2.6.4).

But at the very least, you permanently have your most recent out-of-date beta version of the program, which you paid for $150–300 USD.


I’d suggest you check your source file and cut a 30 second test clip from it.
Any reason for using prores over say H265 Main 10 ?

I get this error when trying to export to a NAS.
Works fine when exporting internal ssd.
Have had problems working with NAS in previous updates…
pls cmon not again

Last FFmpeg messages:

Unable to parse option value “0” as video rate
C:/Program Files/Topaz Labs LLC/Topaz Video AI/file:/klazzserver/MATERIAALI/TOPAZ_AI_Uprezz_VIDEO_material/Vertical statue Invalid argument

Great work. Very well done. :+1:

Frame-number-input returning when? :grinning:

The issue is really (still) the beta nature of the program - yes even version 3.1. Had 3.0.x been released with the usual small handful of minor bugs that most commercial software upgrades suffer from, then a ‘free upgrade’ licence expiry 12 months after purchase would have been fine, and (in my case) it would have applied until Nov 10 i.e. 3 weeks after 3.0.0 was released after which, I’d have to pay an upgrade fee.

Topaz did recognise the beta nature of 3.0.x and extended such licences (including mine) until 3.1 i.e. Jan 17, so by 2 months and a week in my case but now I (we) have a decision to make: to pay for the upgrade or stick with 2.6.4 and 3.0.12.

I note that the current upgrade price is $119 which if my memory serves me corectly is a reduction over the previous non-sale upgrade price but higher than the (twice a year?) sale price. The problem though is that 3.1 still appears to have some major bugs albeit seemingly less than 3.0.0 when that was released.

So what will I do? Nothing yet, because some features important to me are either missing or buggy: a decent preview system, the ability to trim as easily as 2.6.4, full model sets downloading as in 2.6.4 and now, Apollo which I needed due to issues with Chronos has been removed.

In summary, I feel that even though 3.1 seems to be a step up from 3.0.x in many respects, it still has significant issues so I will wait. Maybe a further upgrade price reduction in view of these outstanding issues would persuade me. Maybe.


Nowhere when you purchase Topaz Video AI does it let you know that it’s a one year license, this is outrageous, it’s not like I don’t have other programmes that want you to renew a license for more updates, but they make sure that you understand that when you buy it.

Has anyone tried the Themis model? I’ve had multiple trials both chained with other models and without. But the result was always strange. It looked like there was a pixel mesh on top of the videos. The videos I tried were low to medium res (and quality) as I thought that these would benefit the most.

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you’re kidding right ? or it’s a bad joke ?

it’s written on the pricing page !! CLEAR and big next to the purchase button ! once it’s purchased, the date of the end of your licence is written in your account !

Capture d'écran 2023-01-19 01.20.19


not sure what page you are on but that doesn’t exist on

purchase button 1

(I saw the page you were on and I don’t give a flying **** that they have a separate page away from the main purchasing pages, that’s called hiding it and not showing it to people when they buy products.)

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Exactly. One year of free ‘upgrades’. Not ‘updates’. A x.1 is an incremental update. I have never, ever seen a company try to spin a x.1 as being a paid upgrade.
Some companies release x.5 as a paid upgrade, others consider only whole new version numbers as an ‘upgrade’.
If Topaz cut it off at 3.5 and the program was in a condition where it didn’t feel like a beta, then I couldn’t see anyone really complaining.


btw, how did you even find that page, I’ve been clicking through menus and it’s nowhere to be found.

Well actually, its Topaz job to manage expectations. A brand is a all about management of expectation.

A brand is ultimately an experience that lives at the intersection of promise and expectation.

A brand is a promise.

A good brand is a promise kept.

But a truly remarkable brand is the one that surpasses the expectations on consistent basis. Wow!!! Every time.

Topaz lawyers can write all the EULA they want and license agreements, but the expectations are managed poorly and promises not kept, pretty soon the brand will get the kind of reputation that will destroy the company in the long run.

The truth is that, Topaz is acting a lot like they are crowdsourcing their program on patrion and charging premium for it. Version 3 is buggy, regressive in some ways compared to version 2 and with performance issues. Its on a rapid release cycle but that is not a finished, commercially ready program, that is beta testing. License and management of expectation should reflect that, otherwise some of the most loyal customers will start too look elsewhere and competition will fill in the gap.

I’ve seen this happen before. Just one example could be Evernote. If you know anything about their journey its similar. Started as wow product ahead of everyone, and than they started to focus on everything but product developments and started to release buggy programs way too often and not fix a lot of the bugs people were complaining but kept charting more for the brand. Eventually competition showed up and people had enough. I truly hop Topaz does not go down that road and they managed their PR better.

For example some of the programs like Gigapixel and Sharpen and Denoise seems to be on their way out in favor of one app that combines or tries to combine it all. I don’t mind the concept, but its still inferior app and development has been largely neglected in other apps. Eventually they will just quietly phase it out like they did with Mask AI. Its one thing if that is the road that company thinks makes sense for them, but its another to mismanage communicating that to their customers.

Some of the things they are doing with this licensing deals and buggy releases are a serious problem that needs to be managed better. I like they were up front about their road map, that is a good thing. If only they managed the beta software as it is, beta, not full release and licensing needs to reflect that. Charging premium for buggy, incomplete, beta phase software is not cool. And managing that better IS topaz’s job, not the customers.


I reinstalled the last working version before 3.1. It says ‘update available’ not ‘upgrade available’. Then after I dismiss that, there is a obnoxious blue ‘update available’ permanently positioned at the top right of the screen.


And the onus is on you to read properly what that promise exactly is. Talk about managing expectations! It’s like you telling your friends about this great apartment you got, for only $600! And then complain because, later, you found out it was per month, not for a whole year.

Honestly, you buy a licence for full year, that’s it – with a grace period for new releases within the same decimal spot, as it were. So, if your license was about to expire when you were at 3.0.0, you can still get 3.0.1-3.0.9, but no longer 3.1 after your license expired.

Maybe you find that stupid, and would have done things differently, but that is how the licence works – to which you agreed, btw, when you started using the program.

I was expanding the licensing thread to what others have mentioned as well. Buggy software that is in early beta in some cases with major bugs that make it unreliable to work with. That kind of software should be managed as what it is, not as fully featured complete software. It is not. If you are willing to pay for the privilege of being a beta tester, that is your business, but it does not excuse a company, any company who sells software in beta phase as completed, fully featured version of the software. Topaz is not the exception here, but its trying to follow that dangerous trend. I don’t support that trend anymore than subscription models because they only lead to abuse of the customers and balance of power in favor of companies that you know will abuse it. How many times in the last five years have we seen this with so many companies. Adobe certainly the the most infamous example. Of both beta releases and pushing if not extorting users onto subscription model. I truly hope Topaz does not go down that road. And so when I see early red flags, I will point them out.

That said. About the licensing issue in particular. I agree that it was stated on the website, perhaps not in the most visible way, but its there. However what was not there and its here on forums is the amount and seriousness of bugs you get with the license. That part is not in the license agreement I imagine. So really it comes down to human relations and trust issues. License agreements are written by lawyers. Not humans.


v 3.1.0 is processing with 0,14 sec / frame when the preview is on pause and with 0,17 sec / frame when the preview is running which is around 17 % slower.

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