Topaz Video AI v3.0.4

I have to click between “all outputs” and “preview” to make the bottom pane refresh and show me it is making the preview I requested.

Just curious what graphic card are you using ?
Do your graphic card have build in NVIDIA’s NVENC AV1 encoder?
AFAIK, only the latest 4090 and 4080 have NVIDIA’s NVENC AV1 encoder.

UPDATE 2: Uh Oh, it crashed again partway through another SD video using the same settings. Now I am trying Command-Line to see if it’s somehow more stable. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to replace “FFmpeg” in the copied Export Commands with the actual path on Mac to make it execute:

/Applications/Topaz\ Video\ AI.appffmpeg [export commands here]

This worked! However, the audio is buggy: The sound can be heard using Quick Look, but the sound won’t play in QuickTime, nor after processing the clip through Compressor.

Tell me about the Proteus auto-correction mode in 3.0…
Since we only want sharpness, even if all other parameters are set to -100, compression recovery and noise reduction will work and detail will be lost.
Not so in manual mode.
What kind of coefficient is the set value for auto correction mode?

I have an rtx 3090

I think you need RTX 40 series GPU to get AV1 encoding.
RTX3090’s CUDA Capability is 8.6.


Having to “phone home” poses a security risk to your internal network.

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What models did they add? What models have been updated? Where does one find this information? And are new or updated models only available for buggy v3?

Correct me if I’m wrong but stabilization does not rely on a trained model.

Avisynth Support?

I think it’s best to not guess if they are working on anything with v3. Or guess what they plan to release towards the end of the year. It just adds confusion.

Having someone say “the DEV said…” is ridiculous. Stick with official statements made by the company please.

Before v3 - VEAI was at the top of their website for sale. It was priced at $299, now it is discounted substantially.

Their video testimonials are on their own YouTube page for V3. That doesn’t give much credibility.

If selling this software - it should be bug free. They should revert back to V2.6.4 and all the “beta testers” can chat in a different forum.

Just my opinion - but this whole thing is not professional and certainly not ready to be released.

It feels we are doing their job for them in detecting bugs and issues.


I tried again: source TV Mediathek crop 976x550 to 3840x2160 @ 200%

1st: Interlaced Progressive / Dione Robust

2nd: Progressive / Proteus Auto

and also a 3rd try

I don’t think that Interlaced Progressive / Dione Robust is the recommended tool for this sort of video

Why the resolution 976 x 550?

I’ve searched everywhere to see if this is a standardized resolution and have found no information (except for a license plate camera).

That is a 976X550 crop out of a 1280X720 frame

I actually find the new gui an improvement over the old one, as you’re also able to add more frames and upscale at the same time. The audio export is also a plus.
Yet there are still some issues to be solved:

  • The preview function plays the video at a slower speed. There’s no option to view the normal speed besides opening the file in a video player.

  • The pause-button as mentioned by other is in my eyes priority number one.

  • The option to download models offline has disappeared. I’d like to have this back.

  • The actual rendering shows a preview but it doesn’t match with the processed frame. It’s like it’s running behind.


Totally agree with this.


When I install Topaz Video AI v3.0.4

ddv3 image quality in VEAI 2.6.4 is degraded

Also deleting v3.0.4 does not restore

can you help me

you’re wrong.

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Version 3.0.4 still very unstable, already revert to version 2.6.4.

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Hello, I have the same symptoms.
Uninstalling 3.0.3 doesn’t fix it.
Deleting the registry does not restore it.
There is only one way.
It is to fully install Windows OS and install 2.6.4

So we are using AI stabilization technology compared to many other stabilization applications that do an incredible job?