Topaz Video AI v3.0.1

Some bugs I have experienced seems to be fixed in 3.0.1, thanks :slight_smile:
I also like the UI enhancements I this version.

I still have this split view issue when previewing: the left image is stuck.

If you want to test, the “RĂ©siste (DVD).m2ts” file is already in your Dropbox folder.

In the preferences in theory i should be able to set the default zoom level for the preview. But I can’t. It just doesn’t accept my input. For example: 50 %. :neutral_face:

Thank you :grinning:

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Getting a certain percentage for the preview via mouse wheel is a matter of luck still. Instead of increasing/decreasing the zoom steps by maybe five for example it looks like as random percantages are added/subsracted: 48 %, 54 % (+6), 60 %(+6), 67 % (+7), 75 % (+8), 84 % (+9), 94 % (+10).

VEAI is no longer the name. It’s now TVAI.

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New name, but still old ugly artifacts

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Yep, they’ve shown no interest in working on improving the models, which is all that will help this.


I can not tell for sure but I think this has to be fixed when Topaz continous the work on the models. We are still messing around with the new graphical environment instead, so please be patient. :eyes:

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Think of all the time lost that those models could have been training WHILE the UI was being worked on.



Output Setting is Set to H265 Main 10 But MediaInfo Shows that is missing or Main 10 is not supported.
MediaInfoSquirl1H265Main10.txt (11.0 KB)
MediaInfoSquirl1.txt (7.2 KB)
I sent you the Source Files.
Error When Choosing to Enlarge to 8 K:

nal_unit_type: 1(TRAIL_R), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0

nal_unit_type: 62(UNSPEC62), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0

Output frame with POC -510.

Decoded frame with POC -510.

cur_dts is invalid st:0 (0) [init:0 i_done:0 finish:0] (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)

nal_unit_type: 1(TRAIL_R), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0

nal_unit_type: 62(UNSPEC62), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0

Output frame with POC -508.

Decoded frame with POC -504.

Decoded frame with POC -506.

Finished processing frame alq-13 0 0.008333 0.008333

w:4320 h:7680 fmt:bgr48le sar:0/1 → w:2430 h:4320 fmt:p010le sar:0/1 flags:0x200

Error encoding frame: -12902

popping: -542398533

Error initializing output stream 0:0 – Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height

Uninit called for alq-13 0

Statistics: 0 bytes written, 0 seeks, 0 writeouts

Qavg: 243.692

2 frames left in the queue on closing

Statistics: 2231012 bytes read, 55 seeks
2022-10-26-11-08-19-Main.tzlog (300.2 KB)

You like squirrels? I recently filmed a squirrel too in full hd 30 fps and made a 4 k 60 fps version via Topaz Video Enhance AI (now Topaz Video AI). Camera: Nikon z50:

Deinterlacing improved, but still a problem.

Applied the Interlaced/Progressive Dione Robust. It does a good, but slightly noisy job on a segment of old SD video, and a bit of haloing, too. The image is sharper, clearer and much improved when I switch to Interlaced/Progressive Dione Robust Dehalo, BUT there is too much decompression being done as whole image distorts inappropriately. (4.4 MB)

Additional Problem: GUI Stability. If you attempt to change the GUI view from preview to input while the screen is busy, the GUI will crash. - This has happened twice in the last 10 minutes of use

Those are caused by “Recover Detail” and “Sharpen”.

As before, I’d advise to turn those to 0, switch the parameters to manual.

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Since these artifacts are “only” with some “detailed” faces, but not with other detailed objects, I think that is matter of better training of AI models handling faces. Recover Detail and Sharpen set to 0 will get iron smoth across every thing. That’s not the best compromise.
Ols male faces are ok.

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Yes, this is complex. If you are exporting a file (you must declare it an export before starting and it will show up in the lists when you click on the “Exports” button) it will be located in your “Export as” file folder with the suffix _number_tvai as an mp4 file. If the file is a preview, it will be in a special internal folder and will show up if you click on the “previews” button. You can clear the previews by selecting “File → close all sources” (I currently do not have any previews. I think there are separate options if I have previews). You can control these from the File dropdown. You can see / set the default directories in the File → Preferences → Directories options.

Wow! I’m not the only one. I saw the exact same old lady wrinkles on Janeway’s face in Voyager S01E01. I closed it up, shut it down and walked away shaking my head. And that was after a 24 hour upscale. My free upgrades end in two weeks, and I’m wondering if its worth it or not.

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You can install the geforce driver just normal.

The only thing you will miss is ISV certification.

And the driver maybe has more bugs. “maybe”

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yes, the support of the cloud computer i’m renting told this earlier today, so i’m on a studio geforce driver. i didn’t know that. it will be acceptable until a new driver will be released for the A4500.

I think the next pro driver will be out in mid November or with the release with ADA6000 in Dec.

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ok, thanks, for now, i spent the day on it (but not on VEAI), driver works ok with the card, but didn’t tried yet on VAi 3.0 or 2.6.4

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