I fixed it by re installing the program hole-lee-shit that is crazy.
I have been processing the film for several days, stopping the process at night. Each time after start program, the ETA shows approximately 2 hours at the beginning, and at the end of the day it is 1 hour 20 minutes.
It would be good if Topaz could correctly calculate the expected processing completion time.
Not only this. Often when I resume I lost a serious amount of my former progress.
Yeah the time estimate on all my videos are way off.
Don’t diss Nyx. Nyx is fantastic at cleaning up old SD recordings that suffer from over-the-airwaves noise.
It cleans to much deblur keeps the details better even Gaia works for Sd So i am interested which parameters you use ad which Nyx
Every source is different but for one tv recording that had lots of colorful noise all over it, this worked well: Enhanced using nyx-3; mode: relative to auto; reduce noise at -70; reduce large grain at -70; revert compression at 0; sharpen at -20; dehalo at -30; anti-alias/deblur at 0; and recover original detail at 20. No upscaling on that project. It was just a cleaning. I think I decombed the file first in another application.
Thank You much appreciated
Every source is indeed different my TV 2008 SD such as X factor are fine using protheus v4
But the very ugly VHS tapes I got from 1993 were hardware encoded but not correct so I use Interlaced to progressive with extreme values to keep the details using Iris v3 Gaia and Aion
Then I squeeze the file with Video proc Pro and Use the denoise option in video proc pro
ffmpeg “-hide_banner” “-i” “C:/Betaoutput/20210101_044553B.mp4” “-sws_flags” “spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int” “-filter_complex” “tvai_fi=model=aion-1:slowmo=1:rdt=0.01:fps=50:device=-2:vram=1:instances=0,tvai_up=model=iris-3:scale=1:preblur=0.93:noise=-0.82:details=0.83:halo=-0.9:blur=-1:compression=0.92:estimate=8:device=-2:vram=1:instances=1,tvai_up=model=ghq-5:scale=0:w=1440:h=1152:device=-2:vram=1:instances=1,scale=w=1440:h=1152:flags=lanczos:threads=0” “-c:v” “hevc_nvenc” “-profile:v” “main” “-pix_fmt” “yuv420p” “-b_ref_mode” “disabled” “-tag:v” “hvc1” “-g” “30” “-preset” “p7” “-tune” “hq” “-rc” “constqp” “-qp” “17” “-rc-lookahead” “20” “-spatial_aq” “1” “-aq-strength” “15” “-b:v” “0” “-map” “0:a?” “-map_metadata:s:a:0” “0:s:a:0” “-c:a” “copy” “-bsf:a:0” “aac_adtstoasc” “-map_metadata” “0” “-map_metadata:s:v” “0:s:v” “-movflags” “frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr” “-bf” “0” “-metadata” “videoai=Framerate changed to 50 using aion-1 replacing duplicate frames. Enhanced using iris-3; mode: relative to auto; revert compression at 92; recover details at 83; sharpen at -100; reduce noise at -82; dehalo at -90; anti-alias/deblur at 93; and focus fix Off. Enhanced using ghq-5. Changed resolution to 1440x1152” “C:\Betaoutput/20210101_044553B_527737545.mp4”
Is there a reason why several of my upscaled videos, which have included an audio track in the source, have exported without/missing an audio track?
My Codec settings have a “Copy” for “Audio Mode”.
Very Good Result
All the Rainbowing & Chroma Noise is gone. VHS Recording ?
ok you compensate the bad thick lines parts NYX does with negative values of Deblur and Sharpen. I thought oing into negative with sharpen levler has no effect, I’ll have to try it out now, I was probably wrong.
Unfortunately further testing suggests the trick to prevent remapping of colors (to avoid red shifting to orange when starting with a BT.601 source) does not in fact work.
I have this same issue … and if the audio track does exist, it is corrupted and only half the audio track plays, and the other half of the audio track has no audio. Even though i have Video AI set to COPY audio,
I then have to REMUX the original audio back in with MKVmergeGUI. But this has been happening since v5 was released.
Very frustrating!
Guys, please bring back the loop preview. This is ridiculous. Why would you remove something so useful?
Actually, there is an installer already, just not announced.
If it hasn’t been announced then links to it must not be posted here.
On the homepage, the download link is broken. This is redirects to the url,
- ${downloadDomain}/TopazVideoAI/6.0.0/TopazVideoAI-6.0.1.dmg
and it is wrong one. I just want to let you know the error.
Hello, the download url for Topaz Video AI 6 is broken, it points to the 6.0.1.dmg but the path is 6.0.0. It cannot be downloaded and got access denied error. I just want to let you know this. Thanks,
Why are you wasting time comparing an unreleased version with a beta version?
Aren’t there enough bugs in the released versions already?
Bugs in the beta version should be reported in the beta section of this forum.
Unreleased versions should only be available to staff members.
In November 2024 @lhkjacky Jacky said:
"Both Topaz staff and developers have reiterated their responses numerous times. A placeholder file has been included there solely for testing purposes. Developers have consistently advised against downloading the unreleased version, emphasizing its lack of finalization and readiness for release. It could potentially be an outdated file renamed for testing update notifications, thus possibly harboring multiple bugs or unforeseen issues.
The inclination of many individuals to take the risk of installing unreleased software perplexes me. Those interested in assisting with debugging the program should consider joining the beta testing group and experimenting with those beta and alpha versions instead."
That is not an official release!
Stop posting fake news.
The ONLY place to look for new releases is right at the top of this page.
It says “Releases”.
If it’s not there, then it’s not official.
Why would you even bother installing something that isn’t finished yet?
Well…you could say that about the official releases too, I guess.