Topaz Video AI 5.5 + 5.5.1

Local rendering is not going anywhere. Our users, from home users all the way to large enterprises, rely heavily on the privacy-focused offline rendering that Video AI is known for.

This is an alternative option for high speed processing of tasks that would normally not be possible on low-end graphics devices.


This is very re-assuring to hear. You guys had me worried there for a second. :slight_smile:


Perhaps I was a bit harsh regarding the “testers”, but I’m afraid there is so much to be annoyed about in TVAI. Not because it’s all rubbish and bugs - it’s the mix of rubbish and bugs amongst the brilliance and potential that’s so annoying.

But I’d still like to know, as I’m sure many others do, which bugs, if any, have been fixed in this and each release, please…




Hi Andy,

This specific release is focused on Cloud Rendering, but we will be back to our standard schedule of patch releases in the lead up to our next major update. You can expect at least 2-3 bug-focused before the end of 2024


Thank you Tony, appreciate the reply. And it is good to see that Topaz still remains committed to local processing as well!


The video preview has not been working since version 5.40, 5.41 and 5.50, it only shows that the video has not been processed yet and does not preview the video. In version 5.3.6 it works normally.


I wrote the solution above

Um, where?

Where is it? I haven’t seen the solution yet. Version 5.3.6 works normally, why release a new version that doesn’t work?

v5.3.6 working perfectly

This feature has been introduced as to many customers have not renewed their license and latest 2 models still have no added value i love progressive to interlaced iris lq v2 x 2 for very old stuff with gaia, sd tv 2008 recordings with artemis lq v13 and hd recordings with rheia. I use video proc pro to merge use a gop of 30 just like topaz uses in high dynamic

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I dunno why but this specific video seems to be stuck when cloud rendering at exactly 7 min. I made three attempts. :eyes:

Long presets list scrolling error still not repaired.


request ID for that one?

…And the jaggy, stuttering framerates are still NOT fixed. I’m really getting tired of paying out money to these software companies just to be a beta tester.


I dunno where to find the ID and already cancelled the wait after half an hour of no progress again. :eyes:

I can retrieve it from the app logs:

Submit to Dropbox

Here are the log files: (1.2 MB)

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Cloud is an interesting option, but will never be my use case
Uploading videos is impossible
A short 40min project (mine are always a bit longer) is 940 credits with only proteus
Same with additional framerate conversion, but still too basic 2200 credits

Please make it an option in the settings, the big cloud export button should be optional


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Any chance you will extend this features so we can use our own internal render farm?