Topaz Video AI 4.2.0

I find the V4.2.0 new typology particularly small/unreadable :neutral_face:


:heart: the above UI for this plugin. Please consider this minimalistic user interface an excellent template for any future update of the main TVAI UI. It puts the knobs people care about concisely all in one place with no wasted screen real estate. Or at least consider it an option in the preferences to turn on.


Thank you, Topaz team, for making UI font slightly bigger and slightly more readable.
Now, can you make it more conrast, bigger and readable?
Windows 10, FullHD display is still below readable due to ClearType:

Image 2

This is from an already completed project, I’m just using it as a test file because it’s the last .wmv I worked with. I keep one of every type I commonly work with, i.e., mp4, avi, etc., so I can run repeatable tests.

I’m not looking for a way to fix the file. I am more interested in why 4.x cannot import and process a file that previous releases had no problem with.


Any updates about a Premiere Pro version?

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Same here

i mean i see it loaded in the plugins under preferences. And others are saying that the free version does support plugins. but when I look at the open fx stuff I can’t find anything labeled “enhance” to select. nothing labeled topaz either.

Post updated. We’ve had to delay the TensorRT version of Aion for now.

OpenFX plugins require DaVinci Resolve Studio.

How come?

Anyway you must urgently solve the problem of AION, that on my PC (where I never had any kind of problems) the conversion often does not start, only with this kind of model!

The question is not so simple to answer as you might think. The free version of Resolve supports OFX plugins, but not all. If the OFX plugin requires/requests features of the paid Studio version, it won’t work. I suspect Topaz uses the AI engine of Resolve, which is a Studio feature. It could well be that Resolve has detected the Topaz OFX plugin, but disabled it. To check that, click on 'Davinci Resolve" up left and select “Preferences”. On the panel, select “System->Video Plugins” and check the list. If “Topaz Video AI.ofx.bundle” is there, but disabled, I guess it won’t work even if you enable it, but it would be interesting to know if it has been listed.

Usually, OFX host application scan the OFX system folder for supported plugins. They cannot be used to install or uninstall OFX plugins, because OFX plugins are by definition shared resources.

My first experience with the Topaz plugin was that it crashed Resolve, so I think you are not in a hurry to test it.

After update, when i load any video i have black screen no video preview, + video preview inactive button, only export is available 

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Had a go today, but Resolve crashed every time I tried the new plugin. I was on a job so did not have time to investigate. Using Resolve Studio, MacBook Pro M3 Max 128gb 14.2.1

Could you send the “ofxPluginTvaiOutput.txt” and “ofxPluginMainOutput.txt” log files to us at

On macOS these are saved to “/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Developer/OpenFX/”

I deleted and recreated my default preset, this solved the problem.

Won’t launch.

2024-02-28-11-36-47-Main.tzlog (2.9 KB)

4.2.0 does not start (Windows 11)

Guess I wasn’t asked, so for what it’s worth, I attached mine. Topaz crashed Resolve.

I applied the plugin to a node on the color page, selected Proteus manual and while trying to adjust the topmost parameters with the slider Resolve crashed. I uploaded the crashdump.

ofxPluginMainOutput.txt (850 Bytes)

Try rolling back to Studio Driver 551.23 as there have been a few issues with the latest one causing some weird issues.

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It looks like some components of the app did not update as part of the in-app install.

Which version of Video AI are you upgrading from? Thanks