Topaz very slow

I started using topaz to upscale my clips, but it seems to run very slow and not use my pc optimally. When upscaling a 40 second clip from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160, it says it will take one hour. I also just got an error randomly while the video processed for around 20%. My pc specs are 16gb ram, 1660 super, amd ryzen 5 3600. This is what task manager looks like (my language is Dutch, so it might be confusing. First tab is CPU, second one is ram, third one is hard drive):

I hope someone can help me!

Can you share the logs from the app for review? This will show what the AI processor is set to and how it is using your system. If you can share your system profile as well to double check the drivers being used with the GPU that will also help.

How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)

To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.