Topaz Studio

Quick question. There’s something called “image layer” in Topaz Studio. I have an image loaded and when I click on “Image Layer” I’m guessing that this means I can import a second image for use in this project?

Thank you!

Yes, just drag and drop from the image browser into the Image Layer. Then you can mask or change blend modes if you want.

When I drag an image from my desktop it does not open. also, When I click to browse there are previous files listed as choices but I can’t get to finder or my desktop Topaz Studio 1.5.2 .

From what I see is that you have three file’s open in Topaz Studio, pick one of the three files that you see in TS and drag it into the image layer. Or open an image into TS and when you see it at the bottom then you can drag it into the Image Layer.

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Ok, So that means one cannot drag another file from the desktop or another directory. Is that correct? Thank you!

Correct, you have to import the mage into Topaz Studio. Give it a try its fun

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You can drag an image from the desktop or a folder onto the workspace panel at the bottom, and from there you can drag it onto the adjustment panel (if you do it that way you don’t need to open an image layer adjustment - Studio will create one automatically). UPDATE: Just tried and you can drag an image onto the main Studio window and it will become the active image.

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Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Many thanks :slight_smile:

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