Hi; I have many other Topaz Products and I just start using Topaz Studio, my question is; Once I start using Topaz Studio or if I decide to go pro with Studio what I’m suppose to use with the Topaz Products that I already have? Does Topaz Studio will integrate the products that you already have into the product?
Hi Larry, my fault, I just saw them after I sent this. My apologies. And Thanks.
It would be nice if Topaz Studio apply them as a texture or something that you can come back to photo a some change again in the plug-in, turning off or delete it if you don’t want to use it anymore. From what I see once I apply the plug-in I don’t see any reference of it in Studio. Probably this is another topic.
The plugin is applied and returned as a separate image. See in this screenshot where Simplify was called with the original image (on the left DSCF0955.JPG) and then the Simplify applied image (DSCF0955-1.JPG) is returned with the effect applied:
Hi Don; that is true, but I use the Plugins as Smart Filter in PS CC and when I apply the plugin and go back to the Topaz Studio Smart Filter I can’t see or found the Topaz Plug in applied. I have to confess that I’m starting to use Topaz Studio and I like it a lot. I’m just trying to figure it out. I’ll have to spend some time in the tutorials to see if I can answer some of my doubts.
Remember that ‘smart filters’ are only a Photoshop implementation but companies like topaz implement their own version with smart filters.
Topaz Studio does not act like a smart filter and, anyway, any other plugins called from Studio wont be included in a smart filter as you cannot apply a external plugin to a image in Studio and return that to Photoshop.
Hey there! I was using Topaz Studio with Elements seamlessly for a while and now it seems to give me the error message “Background layers cannot be used. Please create a duplicate layer”, requiring me to create a new layer every time I want to use this plugin. Has anyone else had this issue? It used to work as a background and requires an additional step every time now.
It isn’t an issue but a requirement because now you can return a transparency (mask) and it therefore needs a unlocked layer.
Note that you can keep up with the reason for new updates by reading the changelog when new releases come at this link. The Transparency support was introduced in v1.1.5: