Nice to hear that things are moving forward. I’ll wait and see what’s happen.
Topaz just announced their Holiday Sale with flexible options:
This holiday season, single apps are now on sale. Take 30% off one item, 40% off two items, or 50% off three+ items to enhance all of your photos and videos. Start shopping big deals on Gigapixel 8, Photo AI 3, Video AI 5, and Cloud Credits. How much you save is up to you.
I find TPAI a HUGE step back from the Sharpen AI for Motion Blur.
Please fix this!
Sharpen AI / Motion Blur:
TPAI / Denoise / Motion Blur:
Look at the eye. No matter what setting, TAPI does not work
Hi. What is TAPI?
sorry a typo:))) TPAI [fixed]
Ah! Thought it might be something else. Thx.
That’s the kind of thing I’d have thrown in for a laugh, too.
That, unfortunately, also mirrors my experience with Photo AI. Still processing OOF or MB images through SAI yields better results every single time. I wish TPAI was at least on par with SAI and then I could switch. Now it just holds me back. It’s weird and frustrating knowing that deprecated technology beats the current one and somehow we have to accept it.
Don’t worry. It was blindingly obvious that it was a typo.
Like you, I used to think that SIA often did a better job than TAPI. I am less inclined to think so now, but have not run some of the problematic images lately, to compare. In my case, it was often things like rock texture that didn’t render well.
Have you tried other options than Motion Blur? Including the (slow still) SuperFocus?
I am happy to look at your file if you’d care to upload it to WeTransfer or the like. Although not an animal photographer per se, I have been working lately on a lot of wildlife images from a recent trip so might have some thoughts that could help you.
I certainly tried all methods, and I find that Sharpen AI with Out of Focus mode is lightning fast compared to TPAI’s Super Focus, and more often is producing better results
I do notice that TAPI is better handling high contrast edges, with minimal to none hallo.
Similarly, Denoise AI is also in many cases gives me better results than TPAI.
Also, automatic parameters selected by Sharpen AI and Denoise AI are usually spot on, while TPAI auto parameters are always off. Why such a step back?
This is is quite odd and is frustrating.
I hope ToazLabs teams sees this and takes an action.
I will download SAI again and do some comparisons.
I have been looking at an image of mine: a portrait-type image shot on the fly and very soft. Not getting great results so far with TPAI, so will try SAI again. I agree that the auto suggestion in TPAI are often off.
I set sharpen strength to medium and the preview box indicates it will do a better job. I now have to wait for up to an hour for it to render on my M1 Mac (getting an M4 next week and hoping for faster speeds).
Then I will see what SAI achieves.
BTW I am using the 3.4 beta, but don’t think it makes much difference in this case.
It will be interesting to see what if any different in speed is achieved going from M1 to M4. Refocus has recently been optimized 2X and is now “doable” on Macs (as compared to PCs where the dedicated GPU really helps).
I just did this one on an M2 Mini, only took a few minutes to render. Long telephoto view of officers overseeing Bill Clinton’s outdoor speech in Texas in 1996. Refocus > Face Recovery:
Given what Michael said about TPAI v SAI, I processed the image in both. Interestingly, since I had set my camera to the 16:9 ratio for that shoot, TPAI cropped the image accordingly; whereas SAI returned the image to the original sensor ratio.
I tried to set both programmes to produce the most natural result. I used them in standalone mode. I think the winner is obvious.
TPAI SuperFocus:
TPAI Sharpen Standard:
SAI Standard:
Super focus (although still in Beta) is an excellent tool for my needs, ponders the cat Rašo. The cat will extend the license, it seems. An interesting tool, I add.
Superfocus usually produces great results in the previews. Just can take too long to render on normal size images.
Interesting to see your comparisons.
What did motion blur model do for this image? Any help or not?
Not so.
Some ppl are using CLI and other weird things.
Could have been some other odd or Mac thing many of us don’t use that was producing unusual results.
Here’s one I am working on as an example right now (1990s 35mm film scan), first on M2 Mac, working off of a crop to save processing time:
Great result, but we still have the face mask issue right in the middle of the beard.
Using a PC with 4090, working off the full frame with more settings options and better speed, of course:
Super focus only:
Super focus with Face recovery:
Great results either way, and I really like what PAI and GPAI can do for my old images.