Topaz Photo AI v2.0.5

Fresh install on Intel iMac, Ventura:
No issue to report thus far.

First launch on M1 MBP, Sonoma b3, after manually deleting older version (EDIT: I deleted the beta instead of the release by mistake, but release updated).

App GUI cannot be moved around the screen (still!).

Interface unresponsive.

So I guess I will need to delete plist, which everyday users should not have to do…

Manually deleted all Application Support and plist (Preferences) files. App is stuck authenticating…

Cannot authenticate, will reinstall from scratch.

Reinstall: Models are downloading, says 0 MB/sec but files are coming in.

The reinstall fixed all of the funky issues. Please consider providing Mac users with an uninstall script to make this seemingly necessary step quick and easy.

Closing image: PAI is not asking to save after first processing preview. Unless you take some time to change models, etc.

For some reason detected 2 faces, stuck processing.