Topaz Photo AI v0.10

The upscaling spends on the dimensions of the original image I think. I am reworking some old JPGs and in some case PAI is suggesting x4, and others x2.5. The final image always seems to have a height of around 2800px. This is good for me, since my aim is to view the images on a 4k TV, which has 2160px.
I am about to batch process a set of images in both GPAI and PAI to make a comparison on which does a better job.


Fixed the black screen with “loading image…” while using LRC plugin on Intel iMac. I deleted the ProPhoto.icc inside PAI! Now it’s loading!

0.10.2 crashes for me once it finishes processing an image. If I want to hurry up the crash, I just have to hover mouse over the face refine button and the the program window disappears instantly (ie - the crash isn’t a hanging crash).
However, note I am on Windows 11 Pro, so this may be unsupported…not sure.
FWIW, historically for me, these types of “entire program window shuts down” tended to occur when using RAM hungry applications like Premiere Pro or Cubase (with ROMpler playing).
In case it is relevant - 9900k@4.8GHz, 32gb DDR4

If only ‘face recovery’ was also good in iris eyes recovery too.

Also one the weaknesses of face recovery is that it can change the eyes color of the subject. I have seen obvious hazel, grey eyes turned into light brown eyes with face recovery. This can be disturbing.
To fix that there should be a specific eyes only detection, then the program would render the masked eyes with and without face recovery and finally do a luminosity blend. This would keep the original color that the upscale models generally preserve and keep the new and often more natural shape from face recovery.
You can still do it by saving 2 images with and without face recovery and then do the trick in Photoshop but it’s time consuming.

Using Intel i7-5500 processor and Windows 10

Can you tell me how I can get access to the log file or which log are you talking about.
Yes, I can send you both once I get access to the log file.

Will there be a fix for the Photoshop plugin to do the upscale too ?
Like the Gigapixel AI Photoshop plugin does.

I think both are very similar because it will only appears where the screen or picture is plain and lighter in color.

Thanks, so not just an Apple M1/Ventura thing…

Oh! I might have an issue here because I have downgraded back to v0.9.0 so I am going to just you the original file so that you can see the effects.
My monitor has been calibrated with Calibrite Colorchecker Display Pro so the color should be very close to any other calibrated monitors.


Help>Open log folder


Thanks both ruediger.knuth and plugsnpixels for the replies.
I will try it on v0.9.0 as someone else mentioned that it also happens on older versions.
Will post the results after running it.


Just dropped the picture and log file into the Dropbox. And yes it also is happening on earlier version 0.9.0.


I like the new auto-upscaling feature, since I am in the process of re-doing some low quality low res JPGs for showing on a 4k TV. Results so far look pretty good, although sometimes denoising is applied and creates too many artefacts.
It seems the default resizing is to a height of around 2800px. It would be good if this good be user-determined rather than having to go to each image individually when batch processing.

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I can understand where some users would really like a feature such like this. I usually wouldn’t but …

I’d (personally) prefer the setting to turn auto-upsizing ON/OFF be located adjacent to the Resizing settings in the Settings Panel. (I freaked out when all the small jpgs I was hurriedly trying to correct for a last minute ‘favor’ project kept upsizing 4x).

Agree with you wholeheartedly that users should be able to estab. the amt of upsize! BTW, your insight about matching TV size - it would be nice if there could be (or users could set up custom) presets for things like TV size, std computer monitor ideal dimensions, PPT (yes, antique I know) dimensions, etc.

I’m really impressed that on your image the hair and wisps of hair look great too.

On my pics of people the hair is still turning illustration-y (ie, lots of contrast and halo-ing b/wn strands). But I don’t do a lot of portrait work, typically. For the ones I do I’d like it to be like what you’ve shown. If the face is detected in my shots, I do lower the Face Recovery strength slider already …

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V 0.10.2 standalone
I cannot agree that on a TIFF file just a little denoising with autopilot is changing the light ?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Topaz Photo AI v1.1.4