Topaz Photo AI by savin NEF-files takes ours for one picture

Hi, when I save a picture with NEF format, that takes over 2 ours for one picture??
Is there any update planned?
Thanks a lot and best regards, Marco

Please send me your system profile information so I can check if your computer hardware is up to date.

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Please be sure to send me a note here to let me know you sent something.

Hi John

Thank for going in contact with me. Below you can find the Laptop specifics:

Gerätename LAPTOP-NSS67PJH

Prozessor Intel(R) Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz 2.40 GHz

Installierter RAM 16.0 GB

Geräte-ID 1881E3C4-2D19-4769-A69B-F899D7BD1759

Produkt-ID 00325-80500-47021-AAOEM

Systemtyp 64-Bit-Betriebssystem, x64-basierter Prozessor

Windows type:

Edition Windows 10 Home

Version 21H1

Installiert am ‎21.‎09.‎2020

Betriebssystembuild 19043.2364

Leistung Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

I hope this helps.

Thanks a lot for your assistance.

Best regards,


Would you mind sending in the full system profile information as this will give us the best understanding of the system you are using with Topaz Photo AI. We will need to be able to investigate the GPU and driver dates which are in the dxdiag file. Please follow the example below:

Hi John

I hope that I did correct :wink:.

Thank you for analyzing.



DxDiag.txt (84.9 KB)

Let’s see if updating your GPU driver will resolve the problem.

Please use the following link to update your driver: Intel | Driver Update

After the update, let me know if you are still experiencing the problem.

Hi John

I checked the GPU update. Unfortunately the system is up to date. There is no driver update available.

See also the attached report from my system.

Thanks for investigating again.


(Attachment Intel® Driver & Support Assistant - Detailed Report.pdf is missing)

Hi John,

any update about my problem?

Below you can find some information about saving (duration/file changes):


Why change the programm a NEF-fle into a TIFF file? the file size is 300 times larger??

Thans for further investigations.

Best regards,


Hi John,

I ordered a new laptop with the following specifications:

LENOVO ThinkBook 14 Gen.6 (14", Intel Core i7, 32 GB RAM, 1000 GB SSD)

I will check the SW after receiving the laptop.

Come back to you later on.

Thanks and best regards,
