Everything about this has a very gorgeous look… excellent work and results.
Works for me - very nice.
Great shot! I like both the delicate flower and the work you did on the background.
Gorgeous capture and edit ! Mind sharing your work flow ?
Ron, thanks for the kind words. My workflow starts with a compelling image and ends with an effect which complements, but does not overpower the image. Though I work on each image in a slightly different manner, in general I first make basic corrections to tone, hue and contrast. I keep a “corrected” version of the image on the bottom layer (Photoshop CC 2018) which I’ll dupe 3 to 10+ times and apply different effects on each duped layer. I use Topaz Impression as my “go to” filter where I have numerous customized effects saved. On this image, The Rose, I applied a customized Cezanne effect to the entire image, duped the original multiple times and applied lighter or different filters on each layer. The end result being softer areas surrounding a more detailed top of the blossom. I do a great deal of low-opacity erasing to blend layers together in addition to adjusting layer opacities, luminosity masking and occasionally utilizing layer Blending Modes. I’ll arrive at a satisfactory overall look but then I’ll usually want to make several global adjustments to finesse the image. I’ll create a composite layer and tweak the final image and then add a soft vignette. I never apply just one filter to an image as I believe a thoughtfully processed image will always be more visually captivating.