Suggestion: 'Repair installation button'

I installed the new Gigapixel version 7.3.1 today while on vacation with poor internet connection.
Because of the connection breaking down during the lengthy download, the installer didn’t completely finish and I had to restart the installer.
When doing so for the first time I noticed the installer actually had a repair function, which seems to have worked fine and completed the download and installation.

i noticed others here occasionally seem to have trouble with or during the installation resulting in Gigapixel AI not running correctly, just as it was in my case until I repaired the installation via the installer.

So here’s my suggestion to simply add a button in the menu below the existing one to check for upgrades for people to press and have the software check and repair the current installation, and if necessary to (manually?) complete the downloads of all the (necessary) AI model files.

I just think such a button could be quite helpful and convenient when updating or upgrading the software and whenever experiencing problems or even crashes.

This seems like this could be an interesting quality of life upgrade. I’ll be sure to bring it up during our next product meeting and explore the functionality in greater detail!

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