
on the pier at the Seafood Shack Marina Bar and Grill near the Cortez Bridge over to Bradenton Beach


Really like the blue color tone in this image.


Very nice …

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Nice catch Flick. I like the mood.

I was thinking an alternative would be to crop off the left side just to the right of the tall skinny tree, and on the remaining part, crop off the bottom just above treetops.

Best regards

Thanks John, Bob and Scott (@cre8art, @RatRodStudios and @ScottO) - glad you liked it. Scott. here is the way I first cropped it, very much like you suggested, but went with the original posting as this one seemed to leave the posts and birds just hanging out there with no base. Unfortunately I didn’t have a shot that took the posts down to their deck.

However as I look at the more cropped image again I realize that I can’t decide which one I prefer.

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Very interesting image.i like both of them, too.

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Bit dark…

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Jack - I played around with the exposure a long time on this one trying to find a balance between light enough to see the sky and dark enough to have them approach true silhouettes - here is two done a bit brighter, and now I have a third and fourth one in the group from which I can’t choose my preference as all four seem to be different images.

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I think they stand on the threshold where I am deciding whether it is a silhouette or a dark exposure. Perhaps zooming in on the bird’d make a better silhouette - but that’s just me! :grinning:

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I agree with you… but I do like the 1a image where you lightened up the sky just a touch. I think you should be happy with all 4 results/looks.