Safe but still no power

Hardest part of Irma is the lack of power. Been a week now, thankfully we’re at Denny’s and they have intelnet.
. We do have water and cold showers.


Hardships can be born - just glad you are safe.

So glad you are safe, Tennie.

Where are you located tennie? We have a Granddaughter 20 miles east of Ft. Myers and they have power back.

Glad to hear you are safe. I hope your power comes back soon.

Glad you are are, hope the power comes back soon!

I think your safety is paramount - your hardships(?) are fleeting and will be short lived - many folk in the world suffer these on a longterm basis

Good to hear from you Tennie! Hope the worst part is beyond you guys. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Take care

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I was just thinking of you and how you made out with the storm. Glad to hear you are safe… hope the power returns soon!

Glad you are safe and thanks for checking in.

More in the middle of the state. Power restored according to what the priorities are. Apparently we’re very low on the totem pole!

Thanks to everyone!!!

Our power came on last evening just before 8 p.m. We did have water the whole time…won’t miss those cold showers though.

Had to dump all the food…I estimate something around $300 to $400 worth. Will replace gradually.

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Will insurance help?

Hi, glad your lights are back on! I’m a Floridian too, we evacuated for this one. Lucky to not be impacted too much. Prepping and living through hurricanes takes a toll, emotionally and financially. Thoughts and prayers for everyone affected, both in small and big ways. Take care, Denise


Seems our policy has a $500 deductible. Worth the chance to look it up though,

We’ve evacuated for all but 2…this one and Charley (who wasn’t very nice either). Now we’re planning on leaving at the first hint of another hurricane. I just had 2 dr. appts that I didn’t want to miss or have to reschedule. Looking forward to the 3rd appt. and getting some injections in my back to alleviate pain.

Other than power loss, we had minimum impact…some small twigs from our larger group of trees and a small tree broke at the base from a group of similar trees.

I’m in Cape Coral. We evacuated because they were predicting 13-15 ft. storm surges…thank heavens they were wrong. We returned Tuesday and were without power until Wed PM after being without power at my aunt’s on the East coast. Also had to dump a lot of food and we lost two mature trees . Going to miss those trees…

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Glad to hear you are safe. Trees can be replaced but not people.

Now we need to watch out for Maria.

Trees and freezer contents are replaceable - people are not