Remove Tool | Additional Removal Options | Transparency, Fill

Option for Remove tool to remove background whereby nothing is added.
Option for Remove tool to select Green or Blue screen chroma key as background.

Since PAI can detect objects quite well, it should be fairly easy to add an option to cut out the object (multiple-selection objects) and leave the rest of the image transparent, ie. if you have a photo of a person posing, select the person using object selection (perhaps multiple objects) and have PAI make all the non-selected area transparent.

It would be nice to have a feather option that will make the transparency slide from fully tranparent to fully opaque, going into the selection, and not be applied to the outside of the selection (adding it to the outside would end up including non-selected area in the resulting image).

I don’t think this option exists currently, but it would be a very nice addition, and should be fairly simple (no AI involved in the actual application, but using the AI to detect objects).

@keld.hansen @jeff.shaffer

Thanks for the idea and suggestion! Make sure that you do not forget to vote for your idea :slight_smile:

It would be great to be able to remove objects but replace with either transparent or a solid color.