Queue enhancements: Pausing jobs


I would suggest two enhancements for the queue system of Video AI:

  1. ‘Pause’ button over the queue, immediately pausing all currently running exports. FFmpeg supports pausing jobs, so that should be doable. ‘Pause’ button then should become “Resume” button when jobs are paused.

  2. ‘Auto-pause for Preview’ option (in preferences, default checked), which automatically pauses running exports while generating a new preview.

An additional option could be “Pause lower-priorized exports when entering higher priorized exports”, but I would see that less important.

The pause feature is coming in an update soon to be released.

Wow! Was that just luck or a super-fast reaction only 4 hours after suggesting a feature?

Will you implement both parts or only the “pause” button?

Manually pausing for a preview is ok, but automatic would be nicer :grin:.

Lucky timing for the most part.

The pause feature is to help pause exports and there is a save function that they are working on for when a crash occurs or you need to shut down your system, it will load back up and continue the job. Still in the works but it is coming.