PSD files Redux

A few upgrades back, Topaz Photo AI was opening PSD files, and I thought to myself Finally! What took so long?

And now it doesn’t.

I found some older, closed topics and it was mentioned that:

"None of the applications support PSD as they can contain many layers aside from images."

Mmmm, perhaps but I don’t believe that this the whole story, and have my suspicions why.

Any other piece of software would simply flatten the image. So why doesn’t Topaz give us that option? A message Pop-Up asking to Flatten or Cancel perhaps? Couldn’t be that difficult.

But instead, one has to Exit Topaz Photo AI, flatten to a format that Topaz Photo AI won’t balk at using said any other piece of software, then re-open again in Topaz Photo AI.

Particularly annoying when the file is just an image layer and alpha. Not exactly efficient or “intelligent” now is that? :wink:

Surely this can be improved.

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