Please fix the ui

was really hoping that one of the past two updates would fix the ui and change the ui to exploded panels or at least give us the option for to set it back that way. this “add enhancement” is terrible and the collapsed enhancement panels with break out boxes makes workflows much slower.

pretty please with a cherry on top.


I wholeheartedly agree. The new UI was awful so I rolled back to 2.3.2

I may go back farther because 2.3 seemed to be less buggy.

The UI from 2.3.2 was perfect. I don’t know what you were going for with the new one, but it is counterintuitive and SLOW. DO NOT FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MICROSOFT. The UI wasn’t broken and didn’t need fixing.


WOW, I HATE, REALLY hate, the new interface… Please give me the old one back…