No AI tools / solutions for improving old pictures

Hi Topaze Labs,

I would like to catch your attention about the fact that you have yet not a single model for improving old pictures, mainly black and white or washed-out colours.

For instance, I tried Gigapixel or Photo AI to improve by a factor 1 this picture. No way to get something acceptable.

I also tried the solution to divide by 2 in Photoshop the resolution, then to upscale by 2 in Gigapixel or Photo AI.

Sometimes it works! But not in this case.

You are proposing plenty of models for recent pictures. Nothing for old ones or for printed ones with screening printing patterns.

Could be a next task I think so!

Best regards.


If interested, you can send me the original image to my Dropbox account and I can test locally and provide the steps used.

You can securely submit one or two images to our Dropbox. Please let me know if you send something.

Hi Justin,

Thanks a lot for contacting me. Highly appreciated.

It is late in France and I am watching Olympic games on TV !

Tomorrow, I shall send to you a sample of old pictures that can not be improved with current models on your Dropbox.

Kind regards.


Envoyé à partir de Outlook pour Android

Hi Justin,

I uploaded to your Dropbox several samples and a read first text to explain how to proceed.

Please feel free to ask me more explanations.

Kind regards.


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