New presets v.2024

As you know, I had created an old topic of my preset creations for TVEAI, it was for an old version, but since some people asked me for a new update, for a few days, I have been working on the new RHEA and IRIS model for now. It’s already not bad! :smiley:

Below are two screenshots around my IRIS 1080 preset at 4K, the first is the original image in 1080p, and the second in 4K with IRIS

Download IRISV1_1080p: (755 Bytes)

Download: (781 Bytes)

And now still with the screenshot of the original image of the scene as before and the one below in RHEA 1080 at 4K

Download: (762 Bytes)

If you want to have other presets, tell me what you need, for DVD, VHS or others, I will do what is necessary on my side to create new presets in the future. Have fun with these new ones.
As a bonus, if you just want to export in 1080 with RHEA, here is my RHEA preset for just 1080

Download: (755 Bytes)


No one is interested?

i am struggling to understand which preset I need to use if I want to upscale SD to HD.
that is most of the use cases here with TVAI, 1080p->4k is less popular.
would be great if you can create something with Thaia and Proteus

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Quite interested in SD->FHD presets for converting my old VHS tapes. Also want thank you for your previous presets :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for making the presets. It’s really a nice thing to do and gives people a starting point.
If possible I would like presets for
480p to 1080p
640 to 1080p
720p to 1080p
VHS or Digital 8 captured 1394 FireWire to uncompressed DV AVI (720? interlaced) to 1080p

@AaronStanley I appreciate what you do and Topaz should pay you for your help to others.


Thanks for your messages, it’s nice.
I’ll try to work on a new preset for SD to FHD (480 to 1080, 640 to 1080, and 720 to 1080), since I see that some of you want to have this kind of preset.
Then after that, I’ll work on a preset for VHS.
After, no I don’t need to be paid by Topaz for that, I do it with passion for those who will need it.


How do I import these?

programData, Topaz Labs, Preset

Good luck with that. I have tried every imaginable setting combination with the Theia models, and they all produce small vertical lines on any motion.

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New Update Preset: 640x480 SD to FHD now available (760 Bytes)


Hi, I ran my old VHS footage through a mini DV camera, so the resulting video resolution is 720x576, can i use this preset?

Hi, you can. Try it and feel free to give your feedback.:+1:

Thanks! Would it be better to use this preset with already interlaced video or not?

You can always try, but the basis of this preset and for progressive videos.

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That’s great, thank you very much Aaron. :sunglasses:
I am also looking for presets for digital recordings from 720 to 1080 and old video recordings :slight_smile:

I think the denoising is to aggressive, especially with high compression settings which denoise by itself.

I would think that you’d have to deinterlace first unless that is included as part of the preset. Am I right AaronStanley?

I am still in the process of creating presets, you will have to be patient on your side. Do not hesitate to give me feedback on the presets that I have already made available to you. Thanks to those who will return.

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I am going to test your SD->HD preset and revert back to you with my findings.
BTW - Thank you very much for putting an effort creating the presets!!

I would love a preset for 8mm movie conversion to FHD and 4K that helps clean up the film by stabilizing it and clearing up/sharpening up details.