I’m trying to figure out what I do wrong. I work at NVIDIA and we have some wonderful tools for image improvement, but I liked the solution that Topaz put together, so I figured I’d try it out.
Here’s the results I’m getting from Topaz AI v2.1.4. It’s nothing like the wonderful pictures in the ads. Any tips on what I might change ? Below is a sample result:
You may want to explain what you’re looking for as that doesn’t look like a digital camera image … Topaz models are trained on photos from digital cameras.
Also you won’t get any tips as no one can see what settings were applied.
Hi AiDon - all fair comments. Yes - this was taken off my iPhone (probably using Night mode as it was dark as the original image fuzzy).
As for settings, I used the Topaz Photo AI defaults which were:
Sharpening Subject: Standard, Strength 56, Minor Denoise 6
Recovering Faces: Strength 80
It kinda looks like the image has been “enhanced” / tinkered with before because the original already has some very strong “oil painting” - which is kinda unusual for iPhones that normally create noisy/grainy images in such situations.
That oilpainting is more a thing from Android phones.
So: if you had some “enhancement” software (that then seemed to do more harm than help) run on the image before it might be worthwhile to load the original file into TPAI.