Mac speed comparison

Hi, curently using Photo and Gigapixel AI on an 2020 iMac (Intel core i7 with 8GB Graphic card).
I was wondering if the new minis (2024) are faster in processing and if so - how much)?

A machine with the Apple Silicon chip is almost always going to be faster than the older Intel models. I currently have an M1 Mac Mini. It takes about an hour for SuperFocus to process an image. I am expecting delivery of the $999 M4 in a few days and expect it to be faster. By how much I don’t know, but will try to remember to report back. Meanwhile, take a look to see if ArtIsRight has done a YouTube video on the M4 range.

Yes, for the chip alone, the M series are for sure faster than Intel. But since Gigapixel AI runs almost entirely on Graphic card (on my MacMini 2018 - a 6-core i7 with Built in Intel UHD Graphics 630 Graphic Card it barely moves - in comparison to the imac mentioned above, that does job well…), the question is how much faster (if at all) graphic is on M series?