Latest AI Program Freezing

I have the latest up-date for topaz Ai and every time i get to the end of the film strip its freezing and only allowing me to shut the program down and then only allowing me to re-start the program with the loss of all my edits to the existing photos.

I am having the same problem. I have reinstalled the program but no difference.

it seems like a lot of people are having the same issue, hoping they find a fix to it… i had to re-due all of pictures 3 times before i decided to just do them one at a time, which took even longer

Hi There,

Please send your logs to support and the will provide you further troubleshooting steps

To do that, open Topaz Photo AI and go to the Help > Open Log Folder menu option and Email me all the logs files in the folder.

Also send us your computer’s full system profile

How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)

Once I have those, we can proceed with further troubleshooting steps

Thank you for responding,
I have an intel I5 8600K over clocked 25%
Running corsair dominator ram 64 Gigs
Asus ROG Mother board
Gpu is an Asus 1080Ti 12 gig ram
Running a corsair AIO cooling system with 6 Fans
For memory i have a samsung 980 1tb M.2
for back up im running a samsung 970 m.2 1tb
and a ssd samsung 500megs

Think thats the important stuff but if you need to know anymore info let me know

2024-02-03-12-37-10.tzlog (1.38 KB)

2024-02-03-12-37-6.tzlog (1.39 KB)

2024-02-03-12-16-39.tzlog (652 KB)

2024-02-03-12-40-28.tzlog (1.09 MB)

2024-02-03-12-49-25.tzlog (157 KB)

2024-02-03-16-00-8.tzlog (70.1 KB)

2024-02-03-12-21-33.tzlog (2.69 MB)

2024-02-03-18-47-23.tzlog (1.31 MB)

2024-02-03-18-27-48.tzlog (1.75 MB)

2024-02-05-18-58-36.tzlog (806 KB)

Thanks for that

Our developers are currently working on this issue, and will resolve it as quickly as possible.

You can choose one of these two workarounds to resolve this issue:

Let me know how that goes for you and we will make sure to reach back out to you to let you know when this is resolved.

Love the program takes forever to process photos back to PaintShop Pro 2023