"Last colors of autumn 2017" Four photos i took last week and post process in Photomatix Pro 6 and Topaz Studio

When i was taking my photos i had in mind

A poem of our french canadian poet Emile Nelligan:

Soirs d’automne
Voici que la tulipe et voilà que les roses,
Sous les gestes massifs des bronzes et des marbres,
Dans le Parc où l’Amour folàtre sous les arbres,
Chantent dans les longs soirs monotones et roses.

Dans les soirs a chanté la gaîté des parterres
Où danse un clair de lune en des poses obliques,
Et de grands souffles vont, lourds et mélancoliques,à
Troubler le rêve blanc des oiseaux solitaires.

Voici que la tulipe et voilà que les roses
Et les lys cristallins, pourprés de crépuscule,
Rayonnent tristement au soleil qui recule,
Emportant la douleur des bêtes et des choses.

Et mon amour meurtri, comme une chair qui saigne,
Repose sa blessure et calme ses névroses.
Et voici que les lys, la tulipe et les roses
Pleurent les souvenirs où mon âme se baigne.

Émile Nelligan


Ah Pierre … beautiful work as per usual …

All lovely! My pick is the second one. Great comp.

I call it the golden hour and you’ve captured it well

Google Translation
Fall evenings
Here is the tulip and here are the roses,
Under the massive gestures of bronzes and marbles,
In the Park where the Love folâtre under the trees,
Sing in long monotonous and pink nights.

In the evenings sang the gaiety of the flowerbeds
Where dances a moonlight in oblique poses,
And great breaths go, heavy and melancholy, to
Troubling the white dream of solitary birds.

Here is the tulip and here are the roses
And crystalline lilies, purple twilight,
Sadly radiate in the falling sun,
Carrying the pain of animals and things.

And my love bruised, like a bleeding flesh,
Rest his wound and calm his neuroses.
And here are the lilies, the tulip and the roses
Cry the memories where my soul bathes.

Thank your for your comments and for the english translation !

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Hi, you said that you use for the poem of Emile Nelligan: Google Translation for french to English. Generally it’s not very precise to translate a language to another and i ask a question for you. Is the English traduction of this poem is right and have sense for you ! Sometimes, this sort of translation is odd ! What do you think please ?

I didn’t see any glaring mishaps except one word that didn’t seem to translate but its poetry. Often a poet takes license or in the time it was written, the language use might have been different than today. I’m not a poetry follower so I’m not a judge but to me, the “autumn” intent seems to refer to the end of a relationship rather than a season.

Lovely photos! You have captured the essence of the season! I wish we had these colors here in Texas.

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Thank you !