Internet Connectivity always needed to use Video AI

every time I open Video Ai the software starts in Trial mode before it verifies my credentials. This is a major pain in the arse when I am in remote parts of the planet and I don’t have the internet available. The choice of a ‘stand alone’ software purchase instead of subscription was the main reason for my choice of Topaz products and I can’t see why the software isn’t supplied with a key that validates without internet connection.

Once you log in and verify your license the app should be writing an auth.tpz file that is stored on your system. This file is what keeps your app open and verified even if you do not have an internet connection. Are you logging out when closing the app or do you have a registry cleaning app that is removing that file? Some anti-virus apps can also interfere with the app. If you are planning on working without internet I would also recommend making sure you have all the models downloaded from the model manager.

Hi Kyle, I do not have any anti-virus apps nor any registry cleaning app. I am running windows 10 64bit with the latest updates.
Where is that file stored?

It should be stored in the models folder, if you have it set to the default location it should be this filepath: C:\ProgramData\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Video AI\models\

The file is auth.tpz