In my opinion, free avisynth gives better result that paid VEAI

I swear I get much better results with denoise-Deblock → nnedi3_rpow2 → smart sharpen then I ever did with video enhance ai. Also, the texture artefacts on Gaia hq are annoying af

Depends on source quality, source content, and model used.

VEAI is also meant to improve low resolution videos. If you’re trying to get it to clear up 1080p content then it wont do nearly as good a job as upscaling and clearing up 720p and lower content.

It also doesn’t make any sense the VEAI is creating more visual issues than it could potentially resolve. If this is the case then make sure you’re on the latest Nvidia studio drivers. If you’re on AMD or for some reason are using your CPU then you’re probably SoL.
Unless it’s animated content. The models were trained on lifelike content and will never yield good results for animated content. For that you need to be taking a look at ESRGAN and the specially trained models by the community.

If you really care then share the source file you’re trying to improve and the results you’re getting in comparison to avisynth.


Do you have any recommendations to upscale 80’s anime DVDs to 720p or 1080p ? Is it possible to use custom models like ESRGAN with VEAI ? Thanks!

The one I think looks the best is Artemis Medium Quality, for cartoons. You’ll have to test it to see if it works well for what you have though.

Would you mind sharing one of your avisynth script files or settings? Would love to try myself.

there’s vapoursynths VSGAN which actually can upscale anime quite well. It’s been over a year after I made the original post and VEAI improved quite a lot.

anyway, this is what could be done with 4x_DigitalFrames_2.1_Final.pth model: Hatsune Miku - Triple Baka (4K UPSCALE) - YouTube model database

It can do magic on many 1080p videos, cleaning crud and finding more detail. I’ve done about twenty 1080p videos and all but one were improved using VEAI. You need to use the 200% model and downscale afterwards (preferably in Avisynth with DPID). Some folks use 100% and wonder why there’s no change… sorry but 100% doesn’t work in my tests. I think I posted about Liiy Allen’s Main Square gig. Find the original. Find my upscale. Compare. The improvement is undeniable.

I have one 1080p PAL video not improved by VEAI. I have it on my drive for future investigation (it’s a rare pro shot gig from a band that only has 3 pro shot gigs). I’m not sure what wrong with it. It’s 1080p that looks like a standard enlargement of 720p. I took it back to 720p and tried VEAI on that. It upscaled but looks no better then the original 1080p. I added some film grain. It looks like gold flakes on a turd. I tried DPID and Spline64Resize. Maybe I need to use one of the primitive scalers to replicate in reverse what may have happened to it. I think it was shot at 720p25 PAL video, but then something happened to it that VEAI can’t work with. I dunno.