I'm Using My Holidays Well

It’s that time of year if you haven’t used your work holidays yet - use it or lose it! So I have plenty of time for Topaz Studio - here are a few examples - all © Jack Torcello

Burano nr Venice Italy

Brant Light Nantucket

Edgartown Martha’s Vineyard

Menemsha Beach Martha’s Vineyard

Finchingfield Essex

Broadstairs Kent


Nice work Mr Jack … have more holidays.

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Thanks @AiDon :wink:


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All very nice, Jack. My number one is number one

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Well done, Jack. I like 2 and 3 best.

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Nice, I like Finchingfield Essex.

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I very much like the second one. And the Broadstairs one - I recognised it immediately as it’s one of my favourite coastal destinations not far from home. And they have a very good folk festival each August that I like to visit.

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I am new to Topaz Labs and this is the first time on the discussion forums. I love all of your work. You are awesome!

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