How can I get the upgrade price

How can a registered user get the upgrade price? I tried upgrading to the new version, but the only price offered is full at $80.00.

I sent an e-mail to support, but no response has been provided.

Thank you.

Which app are you talking about and which version do you own? Your products page on the main Topaz website should show you whether you have a current upgrade plan and if not how to extend it/buy one for $49 (or $99 for all the apps).

You need to talk with Support as this is a user to user forum and no one here can answer your question so wait for a response from support.

They usually reply within 2 working days. Saturday and Sunday and public holidays are not work days

Got it. I own DeNoise, I installed 3.0 yesterday, as soon as I ran it the pop up came up that I needed to upgrade it. The only option was to pay the $80.00.

I fully understand that this is a user forum, but I am sure someone here that has upgraded might have some feedback and be kind enough to share it. I do not have much luck getting responses from support, they typically take over a week.

Go to your account and upgrade from there on the main website.

Got it, thank you. Going directly to the account shows the upgrade price.

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